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时间:2022-01-16 20:57来源:毕业论文

摘要本文主要工作是对道岔转辙机的故障进行检测分析,采用的是一种基于模糊定性趋 势分析诊断方法。此次毕业设计完成了以下工作:首先,在总体上分析国内外道岔故障诊 断的研究现状,提出目前铁路交通上对道岔故障诊断的实际需求。接着讲述道岔转辙机 的工作原理,列出几种故障模式。然后,针对道岔的道岔结构与故障模式,依据道岔运 行过程特点,通过自动监测装置对道岔电流曲线进行特征提取,再通过 QTA 算法对提取 的特征进行选择,然后,在对道岔的工作原理和故障模式进行过分析的基础上,依据道 岔的故障特点建立故障诊断知识库模型,在数据预处理方面,把提取的特征数据经过选 择后作为模型的输入,并将各类特征数据所对应的典型故障类型作为输出。最后,将采 集到的故障趋势与知识库中各描述的故障的趋势相匹配,用的是模糊趋势匹配算法。求 出采集到的故障状态与知识库中的故障的相似度,进行诊断。77081

毕业论文关键词 道岔,转辙机,模糊理论,QTA 分析,故障模式,故障检测分析

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

Title Switch machine state monitoring design based on voltage feedback

Abstract The turnout, a fault diagnosis method based on fuzzy qualitative trend analysis is introduced into the high-speed railway turnout for fault diagnosis, mainly to complete the following work: first switch fault diagnosis of domestic and foreign research present situation carries on the analysis, proposed switch fault diagnosis of actual demand。 And analysis of the working principle of the switch and failure mode for the following research to lay a good preparation。 Secondly, for switch fault reason and fault mode, according to the characteristics of the operation of switch, through the automatic monitoring device of switch current curve were feature extraction, again by QTA algorithm to extract the feature selection, then in to switch the working principle and the failure mode of analysis based, fault diagnosis knowledge base model is established according to the characteristics of the turnout of the fault, in data pre processing, the extracted feature data selected as model input and all kinds of feature data corresponding to the typical fault types as output。 Finally, the fuzzy trend matching algorithm is used to match the trend of the real-time trend with the features of each fault in the knowledge base。

Keywords: Turnouts,Switch machine,Fuzzy theory,QTA analysis,Failure mode, Detecting and Analysis of Failures


1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景及意义 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。21 道岔监测系统国内外研究现状

1。22 道岔故障诊断研究现状

2 道岔工作原理及故障模式 5

2。1 工作原理 5

2。1。1 道岔机械装置

2。1。2 道岔执行机构

2。2 道岔控制电路 7

2。2。1 电路组成

2。2。2 工作原理
