毕业论文关键词:变电所 短路计算 防雷保护 接地装置 电气设备选择
Electrical Part Design Of 220kV Substation
Abstract This design is discussed in the 220kV substation electrical part design, according to the original data, this paper describes in detail the 220kV substation in the power system, the design of the main electrical wiring。 After about the reliability, flexibility and economy compared to select main wiring way, according to the short circuit calculation values, to selection of electrical equipment, including circuit breaker, transformer and so on some very important electrical equipment。 In this paper, some lightning protection and grounding devices are introduced。
This design mainly considers whether the whole system is safe and reliable, can achieve flexible scheduling, and as far as possible to maximize the economic benefits, and the design of the original intention。
Key Words: electric power substation short-circuit calculation lightning protection grounding device electrical equipment selection
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
图清单 V
表清单 VI
1 绪论 1
2 电气主接线的选择 2
2。1 主接线概述 2
2。2 电气主接线的设计原则 2
2。3 主接线方案的拟定与选择 2
3 主变压器的选择 6
3。1 概述 6
3。2 主变压器的选择原则 6
3。3 主变压器台数的选择 6
3。4 变压器形式的选择 6
3。5 主变压器容量的确定 7
4 短路电流计算 8
4。1 概述 8
4。2 短路电流计算的目的 8
4。3 规定短路电流的计算 8
4。4 短路电流计算的步骤 9
5 电气设备的选择 15
5。1 概述 15
5。2 断路器的选择及校验 15
5。3 隔离开关的选择及校验 18
5。4 电压互感器的选择 20
5。5 电流互感器的选择 21
5。6 熔断器的选择 24
5。7 自动重合闸 24
6 高压配电装置 26
6。1 配电装置要满足的基本要求 220kV变电所电气部分设计:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_88899.html