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时间:2022-01-24 22:36来源:毕业论文

摘 要对于传统的温度湿度控制,都是利用温度计和湿度计对其进行测量,这个需要人工测量的,对一些不符合我们自身要求,或者不满足生产的温度和湿度,我们需要降温或者通风进行改善。这种方法,效率是很低的,已经不满足人们生产生活的需要了。因此,我们就要在此基础上进行改造,生产出一种在造价方面便宜一点,性能高,效率高的,并且方便现在人们生产生活需要的一种新型的温湿度计,在温度和湿度方面易于控制。所以我们想到用单片机对温度和湿度进行控制,我们可以做出一个最小系统,可以满足体积小,功能大,准确度也高的温湿度计。



毕业论文关键词:液晶显示器  传感器  STC单片机  STC89C52

Design of temperature and humidity meter based on single chip microcomputer

Abstract For traditional temperature and humidity control, the thermometer and hygrometer and carry on the measurement, the need for manual measurements, does not comply with our own requirements, or does not meet the temperature and humidity of the production, we need cooling or ventilation to improve。 This method, the efficiency is very low, has not met the needs of people's production and life。 Therefore, we should based on the transformation to produce a cost cheaper, high performance, high efficiency and convenient production and life of people now have a new temperature and humidity meter, in the aspects of temperature and humidity is easy to control。 So we think of using SCM to control the temperature and humidity, we can make a minimum system, can meet the small size, high function, high accuracy of the temperature and humidity。

I do this system using the four modules to realize the acquisition and control of temperature and humidity, mainly four modules, display, sensor, MCU minimum system and alarm, first of all temperature and humidity sensors to to collect the temperature and humidity data is transmitted to the MCU module above, after corresponding treatment in the display of the data is displayed, then by us before the temperature setting control。

There are 18 figures and 9 references in this paper。

Key Words:  Single chip  sensor  LCD screen STC89C52 

目 录




1 绪论 1

1。1选题的背景和意义 1

1。2本论文的主要研究内容 1

1。3本系统的工作原理 1

2 系统总体方案设计 3

2。1 课题的设计思路 3

2。2 传感器选择 3

2。3 显示器选择 3

2。4 单片机选择 4

3 温湿度计详细设计 5

3。1系统总体设计框图 5

3。2 硬件电路设计 5

3。3 传感器 7

3。4显示模块设计 STC89C52单片机的温湿度测量仪设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_88930.html
