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时间:2017-06-17 13:59来源:毕业论文

摘要随着计算机的日益普及与发展,早期的纸制的健康档案已被储存在计算机中的档案所代替,原来的人工测量的方法已不能适应现代数据采集的需要。为了实现数据采集的完全自动化系统设计了超声波测距仪测量身高,然后通过通信接口将数据传到计算机中进行处理的方法。这样既提高了工作效率,也增加了使用的灵活性。     本设计采用以AT89C51单片机为核心的低成本、高精度、微型化的硬件电路,整个电路采用模块化设计,由主程序、预置子程序、发射子程序、接收子程序、显示子程序等模块构成。各探头的信号经单片机综合分析处理,实现超声波测距仪的各种功能。在此基础上设计了系统的总体方案,最后通过软件编程实现了各个功能模块。    关键词: AT89C51,超声波,身高测量  10255
Title  The Design of Height Automatic Measuring Device Based on SCM                                                   
With the increasing popularity and development of the computer, early paper health records have been replaced by those stored in computer files. The original manual measurement method cannot satisfy the needs of modern data acquisition. In order to achieve fully automated data acquisition, the system designs an ultrasonic rangefinder to measure height and then transmits the data through communication interface to the computer. This will not only improve efficiency, but also increase the flexibility of use.
The design adopts an AT89C51-based hardware circuit, which is marked by low cost, high accuracy and miniaturization. The whole circuit is modular in design. It consists of main program, pre subroutine receive subroutine, display subroutine modules form and so on. Probe signals will be comprehensively analyzed and processed by SCM to achieve the various functions of the ultrasonic rangefinder. The general scheme of the system is based on the design. And finally, each functional module is achieved through software programming.
Keywords:  AT89C51, Ultrasonic wave, height measuring
目   次
1     引言    1
1.1  选题的背景    1
1.2  选题的意义及发展现状    1
1.3  论文的主要内容及章节安排    2
2     系统的总设计方案    3
2.1  系统的总设计要求和设计思想    3
2.2  系统总设计方案    3
3     系统硬件设计    5
3.1  AT89C51单片机的功能特点及测距原理    5
3.2  超声波发射电路    7
3.3  超声波接收电路    9
3.4  键盘及显示电路    11
3.5  复位电路    13
3.6  时钟电路和蜂鸣器电路    14
4     系统软件的设计    16
4.1  超声波测距仪的算法设计    16
4.2  系统主程序    16
4.3  超声波接收和发射子程序    17
4.4  距离计算子程序    19
4.5  LCD显示子程序    22
5     系统的仿真    25
5.1  基于Proteus的系统软件仿真    25
5.2  系统的软硬件的调试    27
结论    29 AT89C51单片机的身高自动测量系统设计+Proteus仿真图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_9261.html