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时间:2022-09-03 16:48来源:毕业论文



Fire Alarm System Design Based on 51 Single Chip Microcomputer

Abstract: With the development of economy, the progress of the society, people's living standards gradually improve, the increasingly high requirements on the quality of life, no longer limited to solve the problem of food and clothing of daily behavior and to focus on enjoying life, so people for the use of fire, electricity demand is also growing, the probability of fire occurrence and is also more and more high。 So the research of fire alarm had not interrupted, fire alarm towards high precision, high sensitivity, high intelligence development。 In this paper, the design of fire alarm system is using STC89C52 microcontroller as control core, use MQ-2 gas sensor, ADC0832 analog-to-digital converter, temperature sensor DS18B20, LCD1602 display, luminous diode, the buzzer to achieve a fire alarm function。 The design through a gas sensor and a temperature sensor on the environment in the combustible gas concentration or temperature sensing, the signal is transmitted to the MCU, microcontroller intelligent identification control, and finally the light emitting diode buzzer to achieve sound and light alarm signal。 

Key Words: Fire alarm; Design; Accuracy; Sensitivity; Intelligence 

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1。总体方案的设计 2

1。1设计要实现的功能 2

1。2设计的主要任务 2

1。3设计要达到的技术要求 3

1。4系统的组成 3

2。硬件设计 4

2。1单片机的选择 4

2。2烟雾探测电路 4

2。3液晶显示电路 6

2。4声光报警提示电路 6

2。5温度采集电路 8

2。6按键电路 8

3。系统的软件编写 11

4。仿真调试 11

5。结束语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14


众所周知,从古至今人们的生活都离不开火。起初火被作为一种取暖和做饭的工具,但随着社会的发展,火不仅被应用于人们的日常生活中,而且也被广泛应用于工业当中。但火作为一种工具,既有它好的一面又有它不好的一面。它不仅能给人们的生活带来便利也会给人们的生活带来灾难。历史上由火引发的重大安全事故比比皆是,对人类生命安全和社会安全构成了极大的威胁,防火措施从古代到现代也不曾间断。古代人们通过控制房屋间的距离来控制火灾的蔓延,后来又用墙体隔火。随着生产技术的不断丰富,现代人们对安全措施要求越来越严格,我国的相关法律也有明文规定,在一些公共场合和大型工厂必须有相应的防火措施,而且我国的消防队也越来越专业化。为了满足人类和社会的需求,火灾自动报警技术也得到了长足的发展。现代火灾报警器也向着高精度、高灵敏度、高智能化发展。该设计正是抓住火灾发生前期所产生的可燃性气体和周围温度的变化这两个特征来对火灾进行预判,及早发现及早扑灭,减少对人类和社会的损失。论文网 STC89C52单片机火灾报警器设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/zidonghua/lunwen_98853.html
