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时间:2023-02-18 17:25来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词   复合模具  冲压成形力  模具零件  总装配图


Title  The blanking and punching composite die design of  arm piece                                                 

Abstract In this specification, a blanking and punching composite die was designed for an arm piece with 60Si2Mn steel。 First, I determine the technology programs and composite die type used in the topic through the process analysis of the work piece。 Secondly, consulting the empirical formula in literature and calculating the stamped and formed force of the work piece and selection of mechanical presses。Then, based on the above analysis and calculation, designing the working parts, fixed parts, positioning parts, fastening parts, oriented parts of the die in order and selecting the spring and the standard die base。 Finally, according to the structure parts and the installation location, drawing a die general assembly drawing, and a brief description of the structural characteristics and working processes of the composite die。 源-于Y优~尔^论:文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520`18766

Keywords  The composite die        The stamped and formed force   The die parts            The general assembly drawing         

目  次

1  绪论 1

1。1  冲压工艺 1

1。2  冲压模具分类 2

1。3  冲裁工艺的研究现状 2

1。4  冲裁模具的研究现状 3

1。5  本设计的目的及意义 3

2  冲裁件工艺性分析 5

2。1  材料分析 5

2。2  工艺方案分析 5

2。3  结构方案分析 6

2。4  搭边值的确定 6

2。5  排样图绘制 7

2。6  材料利用率计算 7

2。7  成型工艺的计算 7

2。8  压力机的选定 9

2。9  凹、凸模刃口尺寸计算 10

3  模具零件设计 12

3。1  落料凹模结构尺寸计算 12

3。2  凸凹模结构尺寸计算 13

3。4  上垫板 15

3。5  凸凹模固定板 17

3。6  坯料定位 17

3。7  卸料板 18

3。8  推件装置 60Si2Mn舌簧片冲孔落料复合模设计:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_139962.html
