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时间:2024-06-26 22:14来源:95581




Abstract:Microcellular injection molding (MIM) uses conventional injection molding (CIM) with a physical or chemistry foaming agent resulting in products with loose core and dense surface. Compared to CIM, MIM is a much more complicated process. As such, it  is critical to determine the processing conditions for fabricating quality parts using MIM. We used the design of experiment (DOE) method based on the Taguchi method to determine the influence of the melt temperature,injection time,packing time and packing pressure on the ductility of PP/HDPE WFIM parts, which were investigated by tensile testing .

Our research suggests that fabricating PP/HDPE super-ductile parts using WIM is indeed feasible.Our research also indicates that the ductility deeply influenced by the processing conditions.The analysis of variance results shows further that the melt temperature had the greatest influence on the ductility, followed by the packing time, packing pressure,and injection time. By range analysis obtained optimal parameters of maximum tenacity, and find that the tenacity of MIM parts really can be improved by changing the process parameters, and as long as the parameter setting is rational , the tenacity  of  MIM  parts  will  certainly  have  a  great  extent  increase.Finally,  in  order to

exclude the interference of experimental error,we make a significant test through ANOVA.

The conclusion is drawn that the melt temperature has the most significant effect on the tenacity of the parts.

Keywords: Microcellular Injection Molded; PP/HDPE; Azodicarbonamide; Design of experiment (DOE); Analysis of variance (ANOVA)

第一章绪论 1

1.1聚合物微发泡材料简述 1

1.1.1微发泡成型概述及 1

1.1.2聚丙烯发泡材料 2

1.1.3聚丙烯和高密度聚乙烯聚合物的研究现状与发展 3

1.2聚丙烯发泡方法及化学发泡法机原理 4

1.2.1聚合物发泡原理 4

1.2.2化学发泡法泡孔长大机制 4

1.2.3AC发泡剂概述 5

1.3本文研究的内容与意义 6

第二章实验设计 7

2.1实验主要原料及牌号 微发泡注射成型PP/HDPE聚合物塑性的工艺参数优化:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204195.html
