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时间:2024-06-26 22:31来源:95585



Abstract:In this paper, CoCrFeNiCuxTi3.3 (X = 0.5,1,1.5) high entropy alloy  was prepared by vacuum melting method, and the mixture was aged at 550 ℃, 650  ℃, 750 ℃, 850  ℃, 950  ℃ for 12 hours and 750  ℃ for 50 hours. 100 hours, 200 hours, 400 hours of aging to strengthen the treatment. Through the grinding, polishing and etching of the samples, the changes of the microstructure under different aging conditions were observed under a metallographic microscope. At the same time, X-ray diffraction (XRD), Vickers hardness tester and other tools to analyze its performance and crystal structure changes. The microstructure of CoCrFeNiCuTi high-entropy alloy is a single-phase face-centered cubic (FCC) structure, and its microstructure is typical dendritic. After aging treatment, the main microstructure is still  mainly phase  for the FCC  structure.  At  the  same time some phase  for    μhas appeared. When the proportion of other elements in the alloy is relatively fixed, the amount of Cu added to the alloy has a great influence on the properties of the alloy. With the addition of Cu element, the Cu segregation in the microstructure increases and the performance decreases. The hardness of CoCrFeNiCu0.5Ti0.3 alloy is 50HV-60HV higher than that of CoCrFeNiCuTi0.3 alloy under the same aging conditions as mentioned in this paper. The optimum aging temperature of the CoCrFeNiCuTi alloy is about 750 ° C and the hardness obtained at 750 ° C for 12 hours is 12 hours faster than the adjacent 650 ° C and the aging time at 850 ° C for 12 hours.

Keywords: high entropy alloy;Aging time;Aging temperature;hardness


第一章绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2高熵合金理论 2

1.2.1定义 2

1.2.2制备方法 2

1.2.3高熵合金的分类 3

1.3高熵合金特性 5

1.3.1高熵效应 6

1.3.2缓慢扩散效应 7

1.3.3晶格畸变效应 7

1.3.4鸡尾酒效应 7

1.4研究现状 7

1.5应用前景 10

1.6研究内容 11

第二章实验方法及过程 12

2.1合金元素选择与成分 真空熔炼CoCrCuxFeNiTi0.3高熵合金时效工艺研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204200.html
