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时间:2024-06-26 22:40来源:95588


Abstract:Chemical plating in all aspects of life have been widely recognized and applied, is a widely welcomed by the surface coating process, and chemical plating Ni-P alloy coating is making people more interested. In the electroless Ni-P alloy process, the choice of complexing agent, the formulation of the bath and the control process are very important. The structural properties and morphology of the coating directly determine the practical value of the coating.In this experiment, the process parameters of electroless Ni-P alloy were studied. The effects of sodium citrate, propionic acid, tartaric acid and malic acid complex were studied. It was found that sodium citrate complex could improve  the stability and complexation of the bath Effect, the best formula to get the bath and the best control process: 30 g/L of nickel sulfate, 20 g/L of sodium acetate, 30 g/L of sodium hypophosphite, 12 g/L of sodium citrate, 2 g/L of sodium tetraborate, 1 mg/L of thiourea. Electroless plating in accordance with the requirements of the coarse sample pretreatment, with lactic acid pH = 4.5 ~ 5.5, the temperature control in the T = 80 ~ 90 ℃, sodium hypophosphite dissolved separately after adding the bath. The results show that the electroless Ni-P alloy coating is good, compact and smooth, and the hardness is high, and the main elements in the coating are Ni and P, the weight content of Ni is 90.47%, the atomic content is 83.36%, the weight content of P is 9.53%, the atomic content is 16.64% by metallographic observation, SEM topography analysis, hardness testing, polarization curve analysis, impedance analysis, porosity analysis and EDS analysis. The stability of citric, lactic and Ni ion have been investigated by means of the density functional theory(DFT). The calculated results indicated that the citric coordination was more stable than lactic coordination. The result is consistent with the stability constant of them (lactic acid stability constant 2.5; citric acid stability constant 6.9).

Key words: Complexing agent ; Electroless Ni-P alloy ; Q235 steel ; Corrosion resistance;Quantum chemical calculation


第一章绪论 1

1.1化学镀 络合剂对Q235钢化学镀Ni-P合金的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204204.html
