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时间:2024-06-26 22:35来源:95587




Abstract:Zinc pollution caused by various reasons already begun to cause considerable harm to human activity, adsorption of zinc pollution is currently one of the most effective waste-water treatment method. So the choice of adsorbent is the focus of the study. Graphene with special structure and superior performance has a wide application prospect in terms of adsorption, and it has a high specific surface area and stable properties of up to 2000 square meters / g.

In this paper, graphene oxide was prepared by Hummers method, and graphene was prepared by chemical reduction method. And characterized by Raman spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometer and so on. We found that graphene oxide diffraction peak at about 10°, it shows that the chemical bond between the graphite sheets is destroyed, The diffraction peak of the graphene is about 24° , and the diffraction intensity becomes smaller .It shows that the distance between the graphite sheets becomes larger. But graphene prepared by this experiment is that graphene oxide is not completely reduced. Then, the adsorption experiments on the adsorption of zinc ions by graphene were carried out, and the adsorption equilibrium curve was obtained. Finally, the removal rate of zinc ions was 55% for 10 mg of graphene at 20 mg / L zinc ion concentration, and The time taken to reach the adsorption equilibrium is very short.    We found that graphene oxide diffraction peak at about 10°, it shows that   the

chemical bond between the graphite sheets is destroyed,The diffraction peak of   the graphene is about 24°,and the diffraction intensity becomes smaller. It shows that the distance between the graphite sheets becomes larger. But graphene prepared by this experiment is that graphene oxide is not completely reduced. Through our study on the adsorption properties of graphene, I think that graphene has great potential and a very broad space for development in the field of removal of zinc ions .

Keywords: Zinc pollution Adsorption method Graphene Hummers method


第一章绪论 1

1.1重金属污染简介和危害 1

1.2锌污染来源及现状 2

1.3 重金属水污染的治理方法 3

1.3.1化学沉淀法 Hummers石墨烯的制备及其对锌离子吸附的研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_204202.html
