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时间:2021-01-07 21:19来源:毕业论文
Equipment strength and the ability to check the motor, as well as the strength of the frame calculation and check. Formula according to the textbook, need to pay attention to is that the head of the c

Equipment strength and the ability to check the motor, as well as the strength of the frame calculation and check. Formula according to the textbook, need to pay attention to is that the head of the check, the need to find out the form of the 4 kinds of form of check through the motor capacity check, the need to correctly understand the meaning of the formula.

Check the auxiliary equipment, including stepping furnace check (temperature), bell type annealing furnace check (time), shearing equipment to check (shear stress).

Workshop main technical and economic indicators of the assessment, including the rate of finished product assessment, the rolling mill output of the assessment of the annual output of the assessment.

CAD drawings, including hot roller by force analysis and internal force diagram, four roller cold rolling mill work roll and support and force analysis and internal force diagram, hot rolling mill and four roll cold rolling mill roller, rolling rhythm chart, workshop layout diagram.

This design need equipment five tons is core power frequency induction furnace, five tons of wire rod type semi continuous casting machine, cutting machine, hot rolling machine, roll machine, two-sided mill, four roll cold rolling mill, twelve roller mill, bell back furnace, horizontal shear machine, thick longitudinal shear machine etc..

Key words: brass strip; workshop design; copper strip Market


1绪论 1

1.1 概述 1

1.2 国内外铜板带市场现状 1

1.3 设计项目提出背景 1

1.4 设计原则 1

2行业背景(市场分析) 2

2.1 国内市场背景及其分析 2

2.1.1 国内供需状况 2

2.1.2 铜板带市场竞争状况 4

2.1.3 国内铜板带企业产量 4

2.2 国外市场背景及其分析 4

2.2.1 全球铜板带生产状况 4

2.2.2 全球铜板带消费分布情况 5

3设计方案 6

3.1 产品生产方案选择 6

3.1.1 产品方案编制及原则 6

3.1.2 计算产品的选择 7

3.1.3 产品标准与技术要求 7

3.2 生产方案的选择 9

3.2.1 生产方案选择的依据 9

3.2.2 有色金属产品板带箔材的生产方案 9

4生产工艺流程 11

4.1 制定生产工艺流程的主要依据 11

4.2 生产工艺流程的确定 11

4.3 主要工序 12

5主要设备参数 13

6工艺制度制定 19

6.1 熔炼工艺制定 19

6.2 变形制度的制定 21

6.3 速度制度的制定 24

6.4 温度制度的制定 29

6.5 张力制度的制定 31

7力能参数的计算 34

7.1轧制压力的计算 年产量2.6万吨的黄铜板带车间工艺设计(3):http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_68005.html
