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时间:2024-09-10 22:36来源:97146
random property of surface roughness is independent to the sites measured. When a vehicle travels at a constant speed, a homogeneous random filed is converted to a stationary stochastic process. The a

random property of surface roughness is independent to the sites measured. When a vehicle travels at a constant speed, a homogeneous random filed is converted to a stationary stochastic process. The assumption of Gaussian distribu- tion ensures that transformation of such randomness through a linear system is still  Gaussian.

Road profile along longitudinal direction (i.e., direction of travel) is often an exchangeable term of pavement roughness. The simplest model describes the pavement surface as a cylindrical surface defined by a single longi- tudinal profile n(x). Figure 3 shows an illustrative example of road profile. Instead of varying with time, the elevation n of the surface varies with respect to longitudinal   distance x along the direction of travel. In the spatial domain, low- frequency components correspond to long wavelengths while high frequency components correspond to short wavelengths. Let n(x) be a zero mean, homogeneous, Gaussian random field. Its probabilistic structure can be completely described by either the autocorrelation function or the power spectral density  (PSD).




 移动源                                     狄拉克函数

 源的速度                                        源的大小

 脉冲响应函数                                  频率响应函数

 功率谱密度                                    相关函数

 期望值                                        方差

 标准差                                          格林函数




到1999年,美国在国家交通基础设施(公路,桥梁,铁路和机场)的投资额达7万亿美元。为了以成本效益的方式保持基础设施的长寿,路面设计和基础设施管理研究已经近年来迅速增长。从路面设计的角度来看,路面响应,损坏和性能基本上是长期车辆路面相互作用的结果。当车速低时,车辆载荷对人行道的动态影响不大。然而,随着世界高速地面运输的推广,必须考虑到这种动态效应,以开发更合理的路面设计方法。例如,导致路面材料疲劳损伤的真正原因可能是频率依赖性的。从基础设施管理的角度来看,车辆路面交互对结构安全监测,环境减震,无损检测和评估现有技术,车辆重量运动的改进,创新和实施方式产生深远的影响。例如,现代高速地面运输系统通常伴随着噪音和振动的上升,可能对生态造成重大的不利影响。车辆路面相互作用引起的结构传播和地面振动在一定程度上发射和传播。居民可能会遇到不舒服的振动的困难,高精度的设备可能会因为无法弥补的损坏而发生故障。为了减轻道路周边地区的噪声和振动,有必要研究车辆路面相互作用的主要频率,振动源,以发展有效的噪声和振动。车辆路面相互作用的研究在开发更好的反演算法进行非破坏性测试和运输基础设施评估方面也发挥了关键作用。 车辆路面相互作用动力学英文文献和中文翻译(4):http://www.youerw.com/fanyi/lunwen_204681.html
