With the development of network technology ,Network technology gradually into people's daily lives ,Bring people a lot of convenience,Many changes have taken place in people's way of life and communication 。People are more and more dependent on network technology ,Become the main tool for people to communicate and transmit information in production and life 。But things have two sides,Good and bad, Network technology is also,Bring convenience to people at the same time ,It also brings some puzzling problems,That is the illegal use of personal privacy and intrusion 。People enjoy the convenience of network technology at the same time ,Slowly began to realize that their privacy confidentiality is difficult to get effective protection。 Because of the openness of the network and easy to steal ,Expose people's privacy to the world,Bring incalculable distress and loss 。 The right of privacy in cyberspace is facing unprecedented challenges 。In this paper, the status quo of domestic and foreign network privacy protection and research ,Privacy is discussed ,The problems of network privacy and its protection ,And put forward several legal protection measures on the right of privacy。
Keyword∶Right of privacy;Internet privacy;Legal protection;Protective active;
1。 引言 3
2。 正文 3
2。1。 隐私权的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 概念 3
2。2。 网络隐私权的概念 4
2。3。 网络隐私权的特征 5
2。4。 网络隐私权国内外研究现状 5
2。4。1。 国内研究现状 5
2。4。2。 国外研究现状 6
2。5。 我国网络隐私权法律保护上存在的问题 6
2。6。 网络隐私保护的对策 7
2。6。1。 立法规制 7
2。6。2。 行业自律 8
2。6。3。 公民要加强自身的保护 8
2。6。4。 浅析网络隐私权:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_188821.html