摘 要人身保险合同在履行过程中,仅约定身份关系的受益人常会发生保险事故发生时与保险合同订立时不一致的情形,令受益人指定不明。如何认定受益人范围,保险法司法解释(三)第九条第二款第二项有明确规定。但这种做法是否全面与妥当值得商榷。保险事故发生后,根据被保险人是否身故以及是否另有意思表示可以分为三种:1。保险事故发生后被保险人生存;2。保险事故发生后被保险人死亡,但生前另有约定;3保险事故发生后被保险人死亡,但无另外约定。本文拟从保险法受益人的相关法理与立法例等研究三种情形下的特定身份关系受益人认定问题,认为对于1、2两种应以被保险人的真实原意为准,但依据不同;对于3应以合同订立时确立的受益人为准。89501
毕业论文关键词:身份关系; 受益人的指定; 受益人的变更;保险合同解释
Abstract In the course of performance of the life insurance contract, the beneficiary who only agrees with the identity of the insurance contract often happens when the insurance accident occurs and the insurance contract is inconsistent。 How to determine the scope of beneficiaries, the judicial interpretation of the insurance law (three) of the second paragraph of the ninth article has a clear second。 But whether this approach is comprehensive and appropriate。 After insurance accident happens, according to whether the death of the insured and whether another meaning can be pided into three types: 1 after the insured insurance accident insurance accident occurred after the 2 survival; the death of the insured, but was otherwise agreed; 3 insurance accident after the insured death, but no other agreement。 This paper intends to study the relevant legal issues identified from the beneficiary of the insurance law and the legislative cases and other three cases of the specific identity relationship between the beneficiary, think for 1 and 2 of two should be based on the insured's true meaning, but according to different; for the 3 beneficiary contract should be established shall prevail。
Keyword: personal status relationship; beneficiary designation; Beneficiary change;Insurance contract interpretation
目 录
一、问题的提出 1
二、受益人的指定 1
(一)受益人的内涵 1
(二)指定受益人的主体 2
(三)指定权对身份关系受益人源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 认定的影响分析 3
三、受益人的变更与保险合同解释 3
(一)受益人的变更 3
(二)保险合同受益人条款的解释 4
(三)小结 5
四、受益人认定的法律推定 6
(一)理论基础 6
1、指定受益人时确立说 6
2、保险事故发生时确立说 6
3、指定受益人时和保险事故发生时共同说 7
4、未指定受益人说 7
(二)比较分析 7
1、指定受益人时确立说与保险事故发生时确立说 7
2、指定受益人时和保险事故发生时共同说之偏失 8
3、未指定受益人说之偏失 人身保险合同中仅约定身份关系的受益人认定问题研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_190648.html