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时间:2018-09-07 17:54来源:毕业论文

Thinking about the Setting of Ideological and Political Education Curriculum in Higher Normal School in the New Period
--- take the ideological and political education major of Zhoukou Normal University as Example
  Abstract: The ideological and political education major in higher normal school aims at training and bringing up qualified and excellent middle school teachers of the ideological and political lesson. The curriculum is the bridge to realize this goal and is the key to guarantee and improve education quality. Therefore, the development of the society and curriculum requires that the colleges and universities in China achieve transformation and development, and the reform of the ideological and political education major in higher normal school in the perspective of curriculum provision is imperative. The curriculum provision of the ideological and political education major in Normal University should reflect the normal characteristics, professional characteristics and practical features, cater to the transformation and development trend of colleges and universities and adapt to the needs of the curriculum reform in junior high school to achieve the seamlessly melding with Junior high school teaching.
  Key words: new period, higher normal school, ideological and political education major, curriculum provision    前言
一、    新时期高师思想政治教育专业课程设置调整的必要性分析
社会的发展和科技的进步,对人的素质有着不同于已往的要求;工作方式、生活方式与行为方式的改变,对所接受的知识及其能力的提升有着不同于已往的要求,人的个性发展和个人兴趣的选择有着不同于已往的要求……怎样在多元的文化激荡中坚持主导、在多变的行为方式中坚持主动、在多样的意识纷争中坚持主流,固守思想家园,奔向精神高地,是任何一个负责任的政府和教育机构都要着力考虑的问题。然而现在,我国地方高等师范学校思想政治教育专业难以适应经济社会发展的需要,课程体系仍需要改革,还没有形成具有全面性、动态性、长效性、协调性的课程设置机制,发展仍面临许许多多问题。对课程体系进行改革和优化的工作,已经成为急需要解决的现实问题。 新时期高等师范学校思想政治教育专业课程设置的思索:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_22566.html