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时间:2018-12-11 21:36来源:毕业论文

Research Strategies for Complement Incentive Mechanism of University Student Village Officer
[Abstract]The plan of developing University Student Village Officer has obviously made great achievement to provide intelligent support for new rural construction.University Student Village Officer, however, shows low enthusiasm, negative attitude and deep depression under the imperfective incentive mechanism.To complement incentive mechanism of University Student Village Officer ,it can take three steps which are Position Motivation, Performance incentives and Salary incentive aspect.These 3 steps can be implemented by consummating educational system; unequivocal position responsibility; establishing supporting system; completing main body of performance appraisal; formulating specific target of performance appraisal;Setting up reasonable Rewards punishment mechanism; optimizing compensation structure; adjusting salary level...etc.Only to constantly inspire their working enthusiasm ,they can put all his heart and soul into the new rural construction.
 [Key words]University student village officer、Motivation system、position incentive;、Salary incentive 、performance incentive.
目  录
一、完善大学生村官激励机制的重要意义    1
 (一)有利于发挥村官主动性,更好的服务于新农村建设    1
      (二)有助于村官发展自我和实现自身价值    1
(三)可以帮助农村吸引更多人才    2
二、完善大学生村官激励机制的理论基础    2
(一)大学生村官激励机制的构成因素    2
(二)大学生村官激励机制构成因素之间的关系    3
三、大学生村官激励机制的现状研究    3
(一)村官岗位激励不完善    3
(二)村官绩效激励体系不科学    4
(三)村官报酬激励结构不完善,显失公平性    4
四、完善大学生村官激励机制的对策    5
      (一)构建完善的大学生村官岗位激励机制    5
(二)建设科学的大学生村官绩效评估机制    6
(三)建设公平合理的大学生村官薪酬机制    7
   参考文献    9
   致    谢    10  
    大学生村官(以下简称村官)计划是中央为我国新农村建设而做出的一项战略决策,已实施近20年,经历了最初的探索、试点到目前推广、普及阶段,有效地缓解了我国现代化农村建设中知识型人才缺乏的紧张局面,在优化村委会队伍人员结构;提高农村管理组织的整体素质;推进新农村与社会主义现代化建设的进度等方面取得了显著成效。与此同时,村官激励工作在新农村建设的社会实践过程中也出现了诸多问题,如角色不明确、工作环境“恶劣”、待遇差异大和生活保障低,绩效考核制度不完善等,使得村官在实际工作中出现了被动做事、士气低落、人浮于事等问题。这些问题对村官计划的进一步推广与村官队伍的发展和点燃他们的工作热情并充分调动他们在村官岗位上的积极性产生严重影响。如何完善大学生村官激励机制保证村官在新农村建设中的积极性、主动性和持续性成为目前亟待解决的重要问题。 完善大学生村官激励机制的策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_27596.html