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时间:2019-06-22 21:49来源:毕业论文

毕业论文 关键词:城市;社区;治理
Study on the Problem and Countermeasures of Chinese            Community Governance
    Abstract:With the deepening of reform and opening up and urbanization, the urban community governance as a complex system engineering is getting more and more attention by the party and the country. From the elaboration of the development of urban community governance in China, the paper puts forward the transformation of various governance models, ideas and means of governance in urban community governance in the past.. In so fast in the background of the development of urban community governance, the existing problems of China's urban community governance, serious administrative tendency, the law is not perfect, community residents participation is not high. The development of the folk intermediary organization, the quality of the community work urgently need to raise, the shortage of funds and so on. Finally aiming at the above problems, this thesis puts forward a series of has for solutions, governance reform, improve relevant laws, improve the participation of residents, nurturing the development of civil society organizations, improve the service ability of the community workers, increase capital investment etc.. In the background of the reform of the current domestic, and suggestions for the further development of city community governance advice.
Keywords: City Community ;Community Governance; The problem; Countermeasures
社区是由相关价值观念的人们组成的,这些人们关系密切,在疾病时相互扶持,在困难时相互帮助。社区这个概念是有德国社会家滕尼斯于1887年在《共同体与社会》一书中首先提出的。随着城市不断发展,我国城市社区的也被赋予了更加深层次的定义:社区是居住在一定地域范围内人们社会生活的共同体。[ ]这是民政部在2000年《民政部关于在全国推进城市社区建设的意见》中所提到的,从中央关于社区的定义中,可以看出国家注重的是不同辖区内的社区管理,在行政区划的管理下城市社区的管理逐渐的被国家和中央重视起来。
2015年1月20日国家统计局发布2014年经济数据,从城乡结构看,城镇常住人口为74916万人,比上年末增加1805万人,乡村常住人口是61866万人,减少1095万人,城镇人口占总人口比重为54.77%。[ ] 从数据来看,我国城镇化不断的提高,这就给城市社区治理带来了很大的压力,城市社区治理的成效关系到城镇居民的切身利益。城市社区的治理在主体上要调节各方的利益,在社区治理的手段上要创新,在城市治理的相关的体制上进行自我的修正和改革,从而促进我国城市社区治理具有科学性。 我国城市社区治理存在的问题及其对策:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_35068.html