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时间:2019-08-28 13:03来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着我国政治经济的不断发展,社会发生极大的变化,人们的文权意识在不断增强,但是尊重他人的权利意识却没有增强,这种权利意识的发展是不平衡的;而与之相对应的我国的法律制度却没有与人们不断增长的权利意识同步发展;因此,权利与权利之间的冲突日趋频繁;而隐私权与知情权这一对不同利益主张的权利之间的冲突更加激烈,作为一对性质不同的权利,隐私权追求保密,而知情权强调知晓,双方在理论和实践当中皆存在诸多冲突,如何协调二者之间的冲突成为当前国内外法学界的重点;而对于应采取何种原则去协调,目前为止,学者们也并为形成一致的观点。40198
The Conflict and Coordination Between the Right to Privacy and the Right to Know
Abstract: With continuous of Chinese politics and economy, great changes in society, the awareness of rights to protect their rights is growing, but the awareness of right to respect others is not increased ,the development about the awareness of right is not balanced; However ,the corresponding legal system of our country has not keep pace with the growing awareness of right; Therefore, the conflicts between rights and rights has become increasingly frequent; And the right to privacy and the right to know, which represent different interests, conflict more intense, as a pair of different rights in property, the right to privacy pursuits confidentiality, but the right to know emphasizes knowledge, both in theory and in practice ,there are many conflicts between them, how to coordinate the conflicts between them ,has become the focus of the current domestic and foreign legal field; but what principles should be taken to coordinate, so far, scholars also do not form a consistent view.
Key Words: right to privacy; right to know; measurement of interests; settlement mechanism
目    录

   摘 要1
   一﹑隐私权与知情权的概述    2
(一)隐私权的概念、内容和特征    2
(二)知情权的概念、内容和特征    3
   二、隐私权与知情权冲突的表现形式    3
(一)隐私权与知政权的冲突    3
(二)公众人物隐私权与社会知情权的冲突    4
(三)非公众人物隐私权与知情权的冲突    4
     三、隐私权与知情权冲突的原因    5
(一)价值观的冲突    5
(二)利益的冲突    5
(三)立法的缺陷    6
 四、隐私权与知情权冲突的协调    6
(一)社会政治及公共利益原则     6
(二)利益衡量原则     7
(三)宽容协调原则    8
(四)人格尊严原则     9
参考文献    10
致谢    11
关于隐私权的概念学者们并无统一的观点,有多种学说,如:“信息说”“分离说”“消息说”“控制说”以及“边缘权利说”。隐私权的创始人沃伦是这样定义隐私权的:隐私权是权利人对自己的思想、看法和情感以及一些私事是否与别人交流与沟通的权利。这一概念从主体、客体、内容方面给隐私权予确切的定义,具有建设性意义,同时也为隐私权以后数百年的发展打下了坚实的基础。隐私权发展到今天已经有了诸多完善,依据我国著名法学家张新宝教授的观点:“隐私权是公民依法享有的居住不受他人侵扰以及保有内心世界、财产状况、生活关系、性生活等其他纯属个人的不愿为外界知悉的事务的秘密权利。”笔者较同意张新宝教授的观点,隐私权作为公民所享有的一项基本的民事权利,理应包括其私人信息、私人事件、私人领域不被侵犯,并被法律所保护。 论隐私权与知情权的冲突与协调:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_38451.html