摘要:司法独立和媒体监督是当今法制社会不可缺少的两大基本要素。司法独立是现代法治社会都必须承认的法律准则。是指司法机关独立行使司法权,不受外界干扰,保证我国司法公正。媒体对司法的监督代表着公众通过广播、报刊等对司法领域的问题提出自己的看法。司法对媒体的公开是我国司法公正的象征,媒体是公众了解信息并发表言论的主要渠道。媒体的监督具有促司法独立、司法公开、司法公正的效果,同时,媒体与司法之间也有冲突。媒体对司法机关及其活动的监督存在“双刃剑”的作用,即它既可以有利于促进司法公正,也可能会妨碍 司法独立。本文通过个别案例事实,与理论,说明在当前环境下,媒体对司法机关活动的正面影响与负面影响。同时,提出解决双方矛盾的建议。39331
The Relationship Between Judicial Independence And Media Supervision
Abstract: judicial independence and media supervision are two basic elements indispensable in today's society. Judicial independence is the rule of law rule of law in modern society mustadmit. Refers to the independence of the judiciary to exercise judicial power, without external interference, ensure judicial justice in our country. Judicial supervision of the media on behalf of the public through radio, newspapers and other issues in the judicial field put forward their own views. Justice publicly to the media in China is a symbol of justice, media is the main channel of information and public understanding of speech. Media supervision is to promotejudicial independence, judicial openness, justice, at the same time, there are conflicts betweenmedia and justice. There is a "double-edged sword" function of the media supervision of judicial organs and their activities, which can be conducive to promoting justice, may alsoaffect the judicial independence. This article through inpidual case facts, and the theory that,in the current environment, the positive influence of media on judicial activities and its negative influence. At the same time, put forward to solve the contradiction between the two sides of the proposal.
Key words: media supervision; judicial independence; judicial media; rule of law
目 录
摘 要 1
2009年,中国的舆论集中到鄂西山区一个叫邓玉娇的女子身上,她手刃一个索要“特殊服务”的官员,被舆论塑造为弱势者文护自身尊严反抗强暴的“英雄”而广泛传播,从而,最终法院一审当庭宣判邓玉娇的行为构成故意伤害罪,但属于防卫过当,且邓玉娇系限制刑事责任能力人,又有自首情节,所以对其免除处罚。2010年,西安音乐系学生药家鑫开车撞伤一名女子.因担心自己的车牌号被对方记下,药家鑫持水果刀朝对方连捅8刀,致其死亡。许多人认为药家鑫行为极其恶劣,不杀不足以平民愤;但也有人认为,应该给这个大学生一个赎罪的机会。最终,陕西省高级人民法院对药家鑫案二审文持一审死刑判决,药家鑫被执行死刑。纵观近几年来我国发生的一些案件,舆论都或多或少地影响到了审判的过程与结果,这一切无不体现出现实中司法独立与舆论监督的关系之复杂与微妙。如何协调两者之间的关系,寻求两者的平衡,从而形成推动社会公平与效率的合力,是亟待研究与解决的现实问题。 论司法独立与媒体监督的关系:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_39621.html