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时间:2020-05-06 21:21来源:毕业论文

摘要自李嘉图的劳动价值理论起,就不乏对于经济的各类研究,生产要素的内涵也被逐步扩充。而当技术作为一种重要的生产要素被提及,人们开始注意到他在经济发展中的巨大作用。到了21世纪,高新技术产业崛起。这种依赖技术进步和创新的知识密集、技术密集型的经济实体的发展,让我们看到了知识产权保护在其中发挥的重要作用。 在知识产权方面对高新技术产业的跨国经营进行研究,有利于提高企业竞争力,提高创新能力,以至提高整个国家的综合实力。48465


Abstract:Since Ricardo's theory of labor value, there is no lack of research for all kinds of economy. The connotation of elements of production has been gradually expanded. When the technology was mentioned as an important factor of production, people began to pay attention to the important role of economic development. When comes to the twenty-first Century, High-tech industries sprang up rapidly. This development rely on technological progress and innovation of knowledge intensive and technology intensive economic entity, let us see the importance of intellectual property protection in the play. In the aspect of intellectual property of transnational operation of high-tech industry research, help to improve the competitiveness of enterprises, improve the innovation ability, and improve the comprehensive strength of the whole country. 

Firstly through the literature research, introduce related reading on intellectual property rights, intellectual property rights and transnational operation, clear the research object of this paper; on China's high technology enterprise current situation of intellectual property analysis, understanding the current mission. And SWOT analysis of its transnational operations, according to the SWOT analysis of the development of appropriate intellectual property strategy. In high technology industry leader in Huawei Company as an example, evaluation of the intellectual property rights strategy, analyzes the specific strategies for the implementation of key points, learn from each other, suitable for the transnational operation of China's high-tech enterprises of intellectual property strategy.

毕业论文关键词:知识产权; 高新技术企业; 跨国经营;

Keyword: Intellectual property;High-tech Enterprises;Transnational operation

目    录

1.引言 4

1.1研究背景及意义 4

1.2研究内容 4

1.3本文创新点 4

1.4技术路线图 5

2.文献综述 5

2.1 知识产权相关研究 5

2.1.1知识产权的本质 5

2.1.2 知识产权侵权行为 6

2.1.3 与贸易有关的知识产权条例 7

2.2 知识产权与跨国经营相关研究 7

2.2.1知识产权的经济效益 7

2.2.2 知识产权保护对经济增长促进的传导机制 8

2.2.3 跨国经营与知识产权战略 我国高新技术企业华为跨国经营的知识产权策略研究+SWOT分析:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_51083.html
