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时间:2020-07-29 20:13来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Debt repayment offset system is an important component of debt law, it originated in Roman law, later accepted by continental law system countries. In the current law, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and other countries of the civil code and the "civil law" of our country Taiwan area have made detailed provisions for the system. In China only in the "contract law judicial interpretation (two) using two law provides for the system. Aiming at the typical case of a controversial (from Zhou xi, Zhu long folk lending dispute), in accordance with the law and the French, German, Japanese, Italian thereof in Taiwan for the processing and according to the provisions of the "civil law" the regulation of our country judicial interpretation (two) for processing, will be different conclusions. Even if it is in accordance with the provisions of China's judicial interpretation (two) can also have different understanding. From the basic principles legal interpretation methods and the perspective of civil law to analyze the case, draw their own conclusions.

Keywords: settlement offset ,agreement offset ,specified offset ,statutory offset, understanding and application

 目  录

1引言 4

2 据以研究的案例 4

2.1 案情介绍 4

2.2 争议问题 5

3 司法解释解读及评析 6

3.1 约定抵充 6

3.2 指定抵充 6

3.3 法定抵充 8

4 正确理解与适用 9

4.1 按照外国法及我国台湾民法规定的适用 9

4.2 按照我国合同法解释(二)规定的适用 10

结语 12

参考文献 13

致谢 14

1 引言

债的清偿抵充制度最早源于罗马法时代。在民法法典化的过程中,该制度已经受到大陆法系国家的认可。如:《法国民法典》、《德国民法典》、《日本民法典》等,以及我国台湾地区的“民法”中均规定了该制度。但在我国大陆地区,无论是《民法通则》还是《合同法》等均未对债务清偿抵充制度进行立法上的规定。2009年最高人民法院迫于司法实践需要而出台的《关于适用合同法若干问题的解释(二)》(以下简称合同法解释(二))对该制度进行了一个较为宽泛的解释,规定了约定抵充及法定抵充的顺序,为当时的司法审判解了燃眉之急。然而,在当今社会中,经济发展日新月异,各种民间借贷纠纷层出不穷。比较中外法律之异同,合同法司法解释中规定的债务的清偿抵充制度在目前的现实应用中还存在着一些问题。 论债的清偿抵充制度的正确理解与适用:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_57080.html
