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时间:2020-10-24 21:37来源:毕业论文
从我国民法体系出发,参照其他法律法规解释,结合我国社会实践中的典型案例,探讨准不动产物权变动模式, 探寻法律与社会实践的冲突与矛盾,在此基础上提出相关建议或意见,旨

摘要:随着我国社会经济的发展,汽车正日渐走入寻常百姓家,而船舶航空器等准不动产在未来也将会得到飞速的发展。但随之而来的同时也不可避免的出现了一些物权变动方面的法律问题。我国民法通则因为时代的局限性,无法涵盖所有法律问题。而物权法的应景出台则解决了很多物权问题,但针对于准不动产的物权变动,其却存在概念模糊不清的情况,目前我国学界主要存在登记对抗主义与登记生效主义的分歧,特别是准不动产制度方面还存在许多缺陷。本文旨在从我国民法体系出发,参照其他法律法规解释,结合我国社会实践中的典型案例,探讨准不动产物权变动模式, 探寻法律与社会实践的冲突与矛盾,在此基础上提出相关建议或意见,旨在促进我国相关问题的解决,维护公众的合法权益。58638

毕业论文关键词:准不动产 物权变动 买卖合同 善意第三人

Abstract:With the development of social economy in our country, the car is gradually into the homes of ordinary people, and the ship aircraft etc. the quasi real estate in the future will also get rapid development. But it is also the inevitable emergence of the legal issues in property. General principles of civil law in China because of the limitation of the times, unable to cover all legal issues. The property law of the occasion were introduced to address many real problems, but for the quasi real property right change, there is the concept of ambiguous situation, at present our academic circles mainly have registration antagonism and registration differences, especially the quasi real estate system. There are a lot of defects. The thesis starts from China's civil law system, according to other laws and regulations, combined with a typical case of China's social practice, to explore the quasi real property transfer mode, explore the conflict and contradiction between the law and social practice, put forward relevant suggestions or comments, aims to promote the solution of related problems, the maintenance of public the legitimate rights and interests.

Keywords:Quasi real estate   The change of real right   Business contract   The third person in good faith

目  录 3

1. 准不动产物权变动问题的提出 4

2. 我国立法体系的演变 4

3. 准不动产物权变动模式 5

3.1 合同生效主义 6

3.2 交付生效主义 6

3.3 交付加登记生效主义 7

3.4 或交付或登记生效主义 7

4. 物权法瑕疵 7

4.1 一物数卖问题 7

4.2 登记生效主义与登记对抗主义的分歧 7

4.3 缺少所有权保留登记制度 9

5. 买卖合同司法解释 9

5.1 谭某诉周口市通顺汽车运输有限公司所有权确认纠纷案 9

5.2 买卖合同司法解释的缺失 10

6. 我国准不动产物权登记制度的完善建议 11

6.1 克服登记对抗主义弊端 11

6.2 借鉴不动产的预告登记制度 11

6.3 完善物权登记制度 12

结  语 12

参考文献 准不动产的物权变动:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_63641.html
