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时间:2021-04-06 20:12来源:毕业论文



Abstract: with the development of the network, the new economic development mode and consumption mode came into being, online shopping has become the hot spot of modern shopping way.. And not on the Internet consumption of relevant laws and regulations in China before, so online shopping infringement, network deception events happened frequently, which not only damages the rights and interests of consumers is also disrupting the market order. However, the new Consumer Protection Act promulgated in 2014 is a big progress of this phenomenon.. Especially in which the seven days no reason to return the provision is to become a hot controversy. This paper introduced our country to establish the legal basis for practical reasons, the provisions and legislation, illustrate the necessity and importance of the additional, also by experts and legal scholars discussion and research of this article that support the legislative reason and reason to oppose the legislation, let the terms will be more accepted by the public. It is found that the problems and loopholes of the article, and the legislative proposals, make our country legislation can be more perfect. Clear the no reason for the seven days to return terms, refine research can reduce disputes, promote economic development, so that online shopping can bring people more convenience and joy.

Key words: regret right system, implementation status quo, problem disputes, legislative proposal.


引言 4

一.新消法“七天无理由退货”条款概述 4

(一)七天无理由退货的本质内涵与属性特征 4

(二)设立该制度的现实必要性 5

(三)“七天无理由退货”权适用范围及例外 5

(四)“七天无理由退货”权的行使 6

二、“七天无理由退货”条款实施中存在的问题 6

(一)关于“七天”如何认定 6

(二)对于“商品完好”的判定标准 7

三、立法建议及保障该权实施的措施 8

结语 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12


网络的兴起引发网购的蓬勃发展,由于我国早期对于网购侵权认识不足,立法不够完善,从而造成了消费者的损失。新增“七天无理由退货”的条款是我国立法中的进步,它创造性的在我国法律中规定了消费者的后悔权,这对于法律的完善具有重大意义。 但目前立法中的规定还不够完善,存在法律漏洞, 本文从实际案例出发,发现我国目前实施过程中存在的问题及其中的立法进步,提出相应的对策。明确“后悔权”的概念,研究我国所规定的“七天无理由退货”的内涵,通过各专家学者的不同看法与观点,说明各自的理由与法律依据,通过案例事实探讨并明确“七天”这一期限,更加细致划分可七天无理由退货的商品与不支持退货的商品,明确“商品完好”的评价标准,让网络购物更规范,切实为消费者服务。 七天无理由退货”条款实施中存在的问题:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_72405.html
