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时间:2021-05-23 16:27来源:毕业论文

摘 要:城镇化进程中,农村妇女土地权益流失问题是影响农村经济发展的重要问题。然而,在我国的城镇建设发展过程中,大量土地被征用,侵犯妇女土地权益的问题更加突出。这种现象严重阻碍了社会经济的稳定与发展,不利于保护广大农村妇女的生存和发展权。本文将以农村妇女土地权益受侵害的现状为背景,通过分析土地政策的缺陷、法律制度的冲突、村规民约存在的不足,从而提出完善农村妇女土地权益保障的法律对策。67282


Abstract: In the process of urbanization, the problem of rural women's land rights and interests loss is an important problem affecting the development of rural economy. However, in the urban development process in China, a large number of land acquisition, the violation of women's land rights issues more prominent. This phenomenon has seriously hindered the stability and development of society and economy, is not conducive to the protection of the survival and development of the rural women's rights. This paper will present the rural women's land rights and interests against the background, through the analysis of the defects of legal system, land policy conflict, self-restraint existing problems, and puts forward legal countermeasures of the loss of rural women's land rights.

Keywords:Urbanization, Woman's land rights, Loss, Land requisition compensation , Legal countermeasures

目   录

引言 4

一、城镇化进程中妇女土地权益流失的现状 4

(一)农村妇女因婚姻变动而使土地权益受损 4

(二)农村妇女在征地补偿利益分配中受到差别对待 4

(三)土地股份分红及其他集体经济组织收益分配差异 4

(四)因继承权被侵犯而丧失土地权益 5

二、城镇化进程中妇女土地权益流失产生的原因 5

(一)土地政策存在缺陷 5

(二)现行法律规定存在冲突和过于抽象化 6

(三)土地承包经营权流转制度不完善 6

(四)“从夫居”传统观念的影响与村规民约存在不足 7

(五)行政和司法救济不足 8

三、保障农村妇女土地权益的法律对策 8

(一)完善保障农村妇女土地权益的立法与政策 8

(二)建立完善的土地流转制度 9

(三)提高农村妇女的法律素质 9

(四)依法取缔与国家法律相抵触的乡规民约 10

(五)完善司法救济,健全救济机制 10

结语 11

参考文献 12

致谢 13


这些年来,我国城镇化进程不断加快,社会经济迅速发展,大量土地被征用,侵犯妇女土地权益的现象不断增多,逐渐成为影响农村经济发展的重要问题。这种现象严重阻碍了中国社会的稳定与和谐发展,不利于保护广大农村妇女的生存和发展权。   完善农村妇女土地权益保障的法律对策:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_75415.html
