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时间:2022-11-19 21:55来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:三代同堂 ;孝道 ;养老

Explore the Path of Modern Cities and Towns Three-generation Family

Abstract The Chinese culture of filial piety as the quality of the people at the very least。 Confucian culture thought the filial piety includes: cherish life, respect for fathers, show filial obedience parents and have children。 Parents take responsibility for their children and children for parents to provide old-age security。 "respect and support the elderly" and "Filial piety is the important of all virtues" are very popular。 In the modern, filial piety is only refers to a family of filial piety。 The change of modern society to make originally three generations of family pattern gradually decline ,weak sense of family values and filial piety ethics。 In recent years, the family filial piety dispute and no filial phenomenon are common emerge in endlessly。 Three generations are extremely rare。 "4-2-1" family structure makes pressure of young couples increasing。 Traditional filial piety is unsustainable。 Conflict between the old and children increasingly sharp and to resolve needs the joint efforts of the state, society, families and inpiduals。 The dream of countless old man still is three generations under the same roof and live an easy life in old age with grandchildren around the knee。 

Keyword: Three Generations Live in the Same House; Filial Piety; Provide for the Elderly

目   录

0 引言 1

1 核心概念及解析 2

1。1 三代同堂 2

1。2 孝道 2

2 “三代同堂”孝道模式的理论基础 5

2。1 伦理政治的影响 5

2。2 小农经济的影响 6

3 现代城镇“三代同堂”孝道的案例分析 7

3。1 城镇居民生活模式状况简述 7

3。2 城镇居民生活模式的现状及典型案例 8

4 对我国孝道路径的展望 12

4。1 中国传统孝道文化的发展 12

4。2 “亲亲相聚,养老以终”的展望 12

结语 17

致谢 18

参考文献 19


0 引言

改革开放以来,经济的高速发展日益满足了人们对物质文化和精神文化的需要,但同时也引发了一些社会问题。城镇化进程的加快使农村青壮年不断涌入城市,老人与儿童守村的现象层出不穷;城镇居民社会观念的转变,使人们更愿意在成家立业后选择独立生活,传统三代同堂式幸福美满的大家庭逐渐被取代,老年人的晚年生活多在孤单寂寞中度过;城镇“上班族”压力不断增大,孝敬父母变得有心无力;多数子女只关注老人的衣食住行问题,而日渐忽略老年人的心理需求。由于各类因素的影响,使现代城镇中的传统三代同堂模式消失的更为迅速。由此看来,探讨现代城镇“三代同堂”的孝道路径,让“亲亲相聚、奉老以终”的传统得以延续和传承,在当代社会具有极其重要的意义。论文网 现代城镇三代同堂的孝道路径探究:http://www.youerw.com/faxue/lunwen_102205.html
