关键词: 环氧沥青 最佳油石比 裂劈试验 疲劳寿命
Title Study on the fatigue performance of epoxy asphalt mixture
Abstract Epoxy asphalt is a kind of new modified asphalt, which is made of asphalt, epoxy resin, curing agent and other additives。 It gives a new kind of modified asphalt, which gives the asphalt with excellent physical and mechanical properties。 Use of epoxy asphalt mixing asphalt mixture, with the characteristics of high intensity, good toughness, excellent anti fatigue properties, temperature stability, resistance to corrosion and good interlayer binding ability, the road performance than ordinary asphalt mixture is more outstanding。 So how to improve the service life of epoxy asphalt mixture has also become a hot issue。 In this paper, the raw materials are tested and the fatigue specimens are made。 According to the fatigue test specimens, the results were obtained。 Finally through the fatigue test results of the reliability analysis, the establishment of epoxy asphalt mixture fatigue equation, in order to get the service life of epoxy asphalt mixture and find the way to make longer life material。
Keywords: Epoxy asphalt,Pavement,Fatigue performance,Service life
目 次
1 绪论 1
1。1 研究背景 1源-于Y优~尔^论:文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520`18766
1。2。1 沥青混合料疲劳性能研究 2
1。2。2 环氧沥青混合料疲劳性能研究 3
1。3 研究的主要内容和方法 3
2 原材料试验 4
2。1 环氧沥青 4
2。1。1 拉伸试验 4
2。1。2 粘度试验 6
2。1。3 BBR试验 8
2。1。4 DSR试验 10
2。2 集料技术指标试验 11
2。2。1 密度试验 11
2。2。2 环氧沥青混凝土疲劳特性研究:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_138350.html