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时间:2018-04-22 20:29来源:毕业论文

Modern sports research and training center building and structure design
This design is the subject of order fulfillment center building structure design. The project is located in the fringe of the city, a total construction area of approximately 4000m ², building of the 5 layer, structure form for cast-in-situ reinforced concrete frame structure. The design includes two parts: Architectural Design and structural design. The architectural design part, according to the requirements of the mission design, consider the problem of environment, function, structure, construction, comprehensive, the internal space of the building function and the use of space to make rational arrangement. Structure design part, through calculation and calculation principle, master the methods of selection and arrangement structure, load calculation and load combination method, structure under the vertical load and horizontal load internal force analysis method, the design method of structure and foundation, as well as the main structure of frame structure requirements.
KeyWords:Modern sports research and training center; reinforced concrete structure; frame structure
目  录
[摘要]    3
第一章  绪论    4
1.1 工程概况    4
1.3设计内容与工作量    5
第2章  建筑设计    4
2.1 设计依据    4
2.2 设计要求    4
2.3建筑设计    5
第3章  结构设计    6
3.1设计依据    6
3.2设计要求    7
3.3 结构方案    9
3.4 主要材料    10
3.5 梁、板、柱截面选择    10
第4章  荷载计算    11
第5章    结构电算    22
5.1 建筑结构总信息    13
5.2 周期地震力与振型输出文件    37
5.3 位移输出文件    66
第6章  楼板计算    67
6.1现浇板式楼梯    67
6.3 平台板设计    68
6.4 平台梁配筋设计    68
第7章   桩基计算    72
7.1 设计资料    72
7.2 选择桩型、桩材及几何尺寸    73
7.3 桩基的计算    75
7.4 初选承台尺寸    76
7.5二桩承台计算过程    77
7.6 三桩承台计算过程    80
第8章 附 图
8.1 各层平面简图      81
8.2 各层荷载简图    89
8.3 各层梁、柱计算配筋图    98
8.4 各层现浇板板计算配筋图    106
8.5 轴压比    107

《主要参考文献和所用设计规范》    108
致 谢    109
现代体育研究与培训中心建筑与结构设计 现代体育研究与培训中心建筑与结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_13880.html