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时间:2023-02-20 21:49来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  单排桩支护  内支撑  深井点降水  桩基础设计 


Title    Deep Foundation Pit Supporting and Pile Foundation Design of Nanjing Huanya Building                                                 

Abstract The graduation thesis is conducted for the design of deep foundation pit supporting and pile foundation of Nanjing Huanya Building。 Single-row with three-layered inner supporting and deep well dewatering are adopted in deep foundation pit supporting system to ensure the overall stability and control Ground precipitation and Horizontal displacement of the supporting structure within allowable deviation。 Lastly, a more rational and secure method is utilized for structure design by analyzing and comparing the results of elastic calculation of Lizheng Software and the classic manual calculation。。 In terms of the foundation piling design, we adopted foundation file bottom load by PKPM software modeling, made relevant analysis so as to satisfy the requirements of foundation bearing capacity & precipitation and punching & shearing resistance in structure design, and then compute reinforcing quantity based on flexural capacity

Keywords  Single-row supporting   inner supporting   deep well dewatering  the foundation piling design

目   次

1  支护结构设计方案综合说明 1源-于,优~尔^论=文.网www.youerw.com 原文+QQ7520~18766

1。1工程概况 1

1。2地质概况 1

1。3支护方案。 3

1。4设计计算。 5

1。5监测 6

2  支护结构设计计算 9

2。1计算简图 9

2。2 设计计算参数的确定 9

2。3 支护结构设计计算 10

3  支撑结构设计计算 44

3。1 冠梁、围檩计算 44

3。2 钢筋混凝土支撑设计计算 47

3。2 立柱及立柱桩设计计算 49

4  基坑降水止水设计 53

4。1降水方案的确定 53

4。2降水方案设计计算 53

4。3井数确定及井点布置 55

4。4井管设计 56


4。6 隔水帷幕 56

4。7 降水监测 56

5  桩基础设计 58

5。1  设计概况 58

5。2  确定单桩竖向承载力 南京环亚大厦设计深基坑支护设计及桩基础设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_140435.html
