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时间:2018-05-31 11:25来源:毕业论文
摘要:本次毕业设计是设计烟台大学教学楼。它位于美丽的山东烟台,采用 钢筋混 凝土框架结构,基本抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.10g,第一组。建场区地势平坦,地

摘要:本次毕业设计是设计烟台大学教学楼。它位于美丽的山东烟台,采用 钢筋混 凝土框架结构,基本抗震设防烈度为7度,设计基本地震加速度值为0.10g,第一组。建场区地势平坦,地层分布规律,地基承载力特征值为210MPa,持力层为粉质黏土,Ⅱ类场地设。烟台市50年一遇的基本风压0.55kN/m2、基本雪压0.40kN/m2。建筑结构安全等级为二级,设计基准期为50年,基础设计等级为乙级。地下水位:常年地下水位于地面以下1.0m处,水质对混凝土无侵蚀。建筑总面积为4698平方米,建筑总高18.3米,共有五层。底层层高3.9米,其余各层层高均为3.6米。
结构设计部分:根据建筑的重要性,建筑所在地的抗震设防烈度,工程地质勘查报告,建筑场地的类别及建筑的高度和层数来确定建筑的结构形式,本工程采用的是钢筋混凝土框架结构。进行结构体系的选择、结构布置方案设计、楼(屋)盖的配筋计算与设计、代表性框架的内力计算与截面设计、主楼梯设计,基础设计,并绘制结构施工图。具体内容如下:结构方案选择:在建筑方案的基础上,结合现行施工技术水平,确定框架结构的承重方案,完成结构平面布置,综合考虑梁柱的布置、位置关系,初步估算、确定各种构件的截面尺寸(包括梁、板、柱)。 结构计算与设计:运用PKPM专业软件对结构进行建模、计算和设计,在此基础上进行代表性框架的荷载计算(手算)、内力计算(电算)、内力组合(手算)、部分梁柱的截面设计(手算),并与电算结果进行对比分析。绘制结构施工图。
         The teaching building of Yantai University
Abstract:The graduation project is to design The teaching building of Yantai University. It located in the beautiful Yantai, The basic seismic intensity of 7 degrees maximum security, its venue for the type is class Ⅱ. The total area of the construction is 10390.8 square meters, its height is 18.3 meters, and the number of its story is five The height of the first floor is 3.9 m, the other layers are 3.6 meters high.
The building design includes two parts: building design and structural design.
Architectural Design: According to the geographical location and the construction of the required functions etc, zoning and design on the basis of the building safety, practical, economic, aesthetic, the overall programme design, graphic design, elevation design, profile design, organizational design for the fire and the structural design of the roof, the stairs and the walls, etc. And completed the architectural design and construction plans.
Structural Design: According to the importance of building, the seismic fortification intensity, the engineering geological survey report, the type of construction sites and the height and the story number of the building to determine the structure of this project and it use a structure of the reinforced concrete frame. Followed by a structural layout, estimating section size, load, the framework, the lateral basis, the internal force, the combination of internal forces and component design work and completed the description of the structural design and the structure layout plans for the standard story and the framework plans for the reinforcement , staircases and infrastructure layout.
Key words: frame structure; architectural design; structural design; internal forces combination; calculation of the internal forces 烟台大学教学楼建筑结构设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_16725.html