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时间:2018-06-13 21:29来源:毕业论文
Shops, office, etc in the design of little space can take advantage of the fan-coil unit plus fresh air system, adjusting the air temperature can be different according to different space requirements

Shops, office, etc in the design of little space can take advantage of the fan-coil unit plus fresh air system, adjusting the air temperature can be different according to different space requirements. Internal area larger more large space can be used in a full air system, management simple, transition season energy saving effect is good.
2.2 The designing principle of wind pipeline system
The pision of air adjustment system should take the flexibility and economic of operation and adjustment into account. The pision of multi-storey buildings’ systems should be depend on the plain arrangement of every storey and the location of engine room, try to arrange the wind pipeline reasonable, make the system operation flexible and economic; the scale of air adjustment system should not be too large, in order to adjust conveniently and reduce noise. In order to regulate and reduce noise. And to cooperate with civil construction unit, completes the duct embedded, shall not affect the civil construction structure.

2.3 The designing principle of water pipeline system
It is required to keep the balance of waterpower, prevent from the large flow and small temperature difference, standard water transport coefficient, adopt convertible adjustment of variable flow system, deal with the inflation and vent of the water system, solve the dispose and filter of the water, and prevent the freezing and keep warm of the pipeline.
 目  录
1.工程概况    1
1.1 工程原始资料    1
1.2 建筑物地理信息    1
1.2.1 地理位置    1
1.2.2 室外计算参数    1
1.2.3 室内计算参数    1
2 负荷计算    2
2.1 冷、热、湿负荷    2
2.1.1 主要冷负荷    2
2.1.2 主要热负荷    2
2.1.3 主要湿负荷    2
2.2 夏季冷负荷计算    2
2.2.1 外墙和屋面瞬变传热引起的冷负荷    2
2.2.2 外玻璃窗瞬变传热引起的冷负荷    3
2.2.3 透过玻璃窗的日射得热引起的冷负荷    3
2.2.4 内围护结构冷负荷    3
2.2.5 设备散热引起的冷负荷    4
2.2.6 人体显热散热形成的冷负荷    4
2.2.7 照明散热形成的冷负荷    4
2.3 冬季热负荷计算    5
2.3.1 围护结构基本耗热量    5
2.3.2 朝向附加耗热量    5
2.3.3 高度附加耗热量    5
2.3.4 风力附加耗热量    5
2.4 湿负荷计算    6
2.5 新风负荷计算    6
2.5.1 夏季新风冷负荷按下式计算:    6
2.5.2 冬季新风热负荷按下式计算:    6
2.5.3 新风湿负荷    7
2.5.4 负荷计算举例    7
2.6 负荷计算手算校核    7
2.6.1人体散热形成的冷负荷    7
2.6.2 照明散热形成的冷负荷    8
2.6.3 外墙瞬变传热引起的冷负荷:    9
2.6.4 内围护结构冷负荷    9
2.6.5 冷负荷汇总    10
2.7 冷负荷汇总表    10
2.7.1 夏季冷负荷表    11
3 空调系统的设计方案确定    14
3.1 方案选择原则    14
3.1.1了解建筑物的外部环境    14
3.1.2了解所设计的建筑物的特点    14
3.2 空调方式比选    15
3.2.1 空调系统的分类    15
3.2.2 空调系统比较    15
3.2.3 方案确定    16 利丰广场1-3层中央空调系统设计+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_17764.html