
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-14 21:47来源:95383





Abstract :Fishing ports are the specialized ports for the berthing and using of fishing boats and fishing auxiliary vessels. Fishing ports are used for berthing, anchoring, sheltering from the wind, handling fishing goods, and supplementing fishery materials and living goods. The freezing, processing, storage and transportation of the fishing goods, fishing vessel repairing, fishing gear creates, communications, and the rest, recreation and medical treatment, etc. of the crews can be also carried out in fishing ports. The construction of fishing ports can provide favorable conditions for regional fishery planning, integration of fisheries, and the development of fishery industry.

The port designed by the graduation project locates in the west of Communication Island and in the southeastern end of Middle Island in Wafangdian City of Dalian City. The geographical coordinates are 121 Longitude 17 Minute East, and 39 Latitude 23 Minute 45 Second North. The Communication Island is surrounded by mountains and waters. It is rich in natural resources and has a great potential for development. Regional economic construction has also made remarkable achievements, and various undertakings have been developing vigorously. In order to meet regional fisheries development, the high piled beam slab wharf is now built in this area.

This design mainly includes the following aspects: general layout of the fishing port, design of handling technology, selection of wharf structure and determination of major relative sizes, the calculation of wharf load internal force and main component structure, including the calculation of face slab, longitudinal beam, transverse bent, pile foundation, berthing member, pile cap and bank stability. In the process of structural design, the designer makes full use of the normative relevant norms, structural mechanics solver and design software of Shanghai Yi Gong Water Transport Engineering for calculation. After the design, the designer will draw the general layout of fishing port, the three view of the wharf structure and the main component reinforcement diagram with CAD.

Key words: fishing port; high pile type; general layout; structural calculation


第一章文献综述 1

第二章绪论 3

第三章自然条件 4

3.1气象 4

3.1.1气温 4

3.1.2降水 通水沟高桩式渔港工程设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203833.html
