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时间:2024-05-11 22:14来源:95356





Abstract:This design is based on Binzhou Port local natural conditions, geological materials, ship type information, construction environment  and conditions, etc.The structure  design of gravity wharf and the planning and layout of the general plane for the 20,000 tons wharf of its port are carried out.

The Taoerhe Port Area is an important part of Binzhou Port.And it is an important guarantee for optimizing the port layout and realizing sustainable development. Port design is an important part of port engineering. The implementation of the port project and the quality of construction depend on its rationality and scientificity.An excellent port design has a safe, economical and practical structural design feature.Port design needs to know a lot of design principles and norms, so the process of port design is also the process of continuously learning and enhancing cognitive ability. It plays an important role in the future practice and learning.so the process of port design is also the process of continuously learning and enhancing cognitive ability. It plays an important role in the future practice and learning.

The design uses a square structure, through natural conditions to determine the size of the pier components. And according to the relevant norms and information, and a series of designs of the square structure, which including checking the computations of stability against sliding and stability against overturning, calculating the bearing of foundation and the internal force, checking the stability of unloading block, calculating the reinforcement and so on.

Key words: Gravity dock;Square pier;Wave force; Stability;Bearing capacity

第一章概述 1

1.1工程概述 1

1.2可行性研究 1

1.3设计目的和意义 1

1.4设计内容 1

第二章设计资料 3

2.1设计船型 3

2.2水文条件 3

2.2.1设计水位 3

2.2.2设计波浪要素 3

2.3地质条件 3

2.4地震条件 4

2.5冰荷载 4

2.6材料指标 4

第三章总平面布置 5

3.1港址选择 5 滨州港2万吨码头重力式码头结构设计及总平面规划+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203773.html
