
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 土木工程 >


时间:2024-05-11 22:11来源:95355




Abstract:To speed up the pace of development of Lian Yungang and improve the supply of raw materials, a caisson wharf is proposed in Ganyu District of Lianyungang to transport iron ore.

The main body of Lianyungang harbor is muddy coastline,so that the structure form of wharf is mainly made of high piled beam slab structure. Ganyu port area is an important north wing of Lianyungang port and is an important expansion zone of Lianyungang port, the geological conditions are good with High bearing capacity that fit for caisson wharf.At the same time, the caisson structure of caisson wharf is small with good overall stability and strong seismic performance, construction speed is faster too. Therefore,we decide to build caisson wharf.

The design content mainly includes layout and planning, determination of caisson dimensions, classification and calculation of structure action, wharf stability checking and caisson internal force calculation.Finally,we pass the verification of bearing capacity, structural stability and crack width.

Key words: caisson structure , plane layout , calculation of internal force , stability checking


第一章绪论 1

第二章码头设计资料 2

2.1地理位置 2

2.2气象资料 2

2.2.1气温 2

2.2.2风 2

2.2.3雨 2

2.2.4雾 2

2.3水文资料 3

2.3.1设计水位 3

2.3.2波浪概况 3

2.3.3海流 4

2.4地质条件 4

2.4.1地形地貌 4

2.4.2地质条件 4

第三章码头总平面设计 6

3.1总平面布置原则 6

3.2码头水深及高程确定 6

3.2.1码头设计水位 6

3.2.2设计船型 6

3.2.3码头前沿水深设计 7

3.2.4码头前沿顶高程设计 7

3.3航道 8

3.3.1航道通航水深 8

3.3.2进港航道宽度 8

3.4泊位 9

3.4.1泊位数确定 连云港某散货码头结构规范设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_203772.html
