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时间:2024-10-20 11:39来源:98080
该施工组织设计主要内容为工程工程量的计算,各分项工程施工工艺的制定,以 及施工所需要的人机、材料等合理调度,制定合理的施工进度计划,确定施工组织方 案,做好施工质量与




Abstract:Maritime trade in the rapid development of the world, Weihai City in order to expand trade, will be energy (coal), salt and non-metallic minerals, mining materials, grain and oil into the main, with regional grocery cargo ferry, container trade and The combination of foreign trade in a comprehensive harbor, now built Weihai port high-piled terminal. Due to the relatively large rainy season near Weihai harbor, especially for the construction of high-piled wharf, it is very important for the construction period of science in the rainy season and winter construction period. Therefore, in the development of construction time and construction process time should take full account of changes in the weather to ensure that the construction schedule can be completed according to the original plan. In order to make the Weihai Port high-piled wharf project can be successfully completed, before the project carried out, its scientific construction organization design, organizational design optimization and budget preparation.

The main content of the construction organization design is the calculation of the engineering quantity, the construction of the sub-project construction technology and the man-machine and material needed for the construction, and formulate a reasonable construction schedule to determine the construction organization design and make the construction quality And safety and technical measures, and finally the terminal project optimization and budget.

Keywords:high-piled wharf; construction organization design; project budget; resource optimization


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 编制说明 1

1.2 编制原则 1

1.3 设计的主要内容 1

第二章 工程概况 2

2.1 工程位置 2

2.2 设计内容及建筑物等级 2

2.3 自然条件 2

2.3.1 地质地貌 3

2.3.2 工程地质条件 3

2.3.3 海岸动态 4

2.3.4 奔腾威海港航基地码头施工组织设计与预算+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204864.html
