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时间:2024-10-20 11:42来源:98081





Abstract:Qingdao Port has a long history, located in China's Shandong Jiaozhou Bay, the port area of wide waters, water depth, to four seasons navigation, the overall performance of the harbor exports large belly features, is a very good port, one of China's key ports. Qingdao Port is pided into four major port areas, namely: Dongjiakou Port, Old Port, Qianwan Newport and Huangdao Oil Port, Dongjiakou Port area of the natural conditions are very good, the natural average depth of the sea to -15 meters , One kilometer offshore can reach -20 meters, the planning area of the port area of more than 70 square kilometers, 112 berths, plans the future total throughput of 370 million tons.

The design is to use Dongjiakou port area of geographical and natural conditions, hydrological conditions and other design information, combined with the port area of the geographical conditions, the development of space, considering the project economy, construction convenience, etc., in the Dongjiakou design breakwater. In the layout of the breakwater on the unified use of a program, in the structural selection, plans to use two design options, the two programs will be designed and checked. One using a slope embankment, one with a straight bank. According to the specification, the anti-dumping, anti-skid checking, the overall stability check, the foundation bearing capacity calculation and the foundation settlement check shall be carried out. The slope embankment will carry out the anti-dumping, anti-skid checking, the overall stability check and the foundation settlement calculation. Finally, we will choose one of the recommended options. The design is to use Dongjiakou port area of geographical and natural conditions, hydrological conditions and other design information, combined with the port area of the geographical conditions, the development of space, considering the project economy, construction convenience, etc., in the Dongjiakou design breakwater. In the layout of the breakwater on the unified use of a program, in the structural selection, plans to use two design options, the two programs will be designed and checked. One with a vertical breakwater and the other with a sloping breakwater. According to the specification requirements of the vertical breakwater embankment will be anti-dumping, anti-skid checking, the overall stability of the calculation, the foundation bearing capacity calculation and foundation settlement check. The sloping breakwater will carry out the anti-dumping, anti-skid checking, the overall stability check and the foundation settlement calculation. Finally, one of the options will be recommended for the comparison and selection.

Keywords:  Qingdao  Port;Dongjiakou 青岛港防波堤设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_204865.html
