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时间:2017-02-25 16:58来源:毕业论文
By the calculated total load, to determine the form of systems, this design, I will layer, layer by layer, and 10 unified district water system; layer 3-11 rooms pided into two area water system, usin

By the calculated total load, to determine the form of systems, this design, I will layer, layer by layer, and 10 unified district water system; layer 3-11 rooms pided into two area water system, using fans coil plus fresh way. Combining the characteristics of the building, in the chilled water system to determine the choice I closed, vertical differentiation process, double-control, single-stage pump, variable flow system, this air conditioning system has a simple structure, the initial investment is small, difficult to produce pipeline dirt and corrosion, the advantages of smaller pump power. Design will be air-conditioned room set at the top, deal with air-cooled, air conditioning units model is MTD-50S/E. This design is that a good reduction of the boiler room to meet the requirements of the premise makes the design tends to simplify.
According to the given design parameters and calculated parameters, find the appropriate data manual for the system of hydraulic calculations, hydraulic calculations, according to already draw system sketch, determine the system's most unfavorable pipe, mark the most unfavorable pipe node , by assuming the hydraulic sub-flow method calculations on the diameter of the pipe and the piping of the hydraulic losses, hydraulic loss for pipe larger diameter pipe to adjust, come to a reasonable total water along the way loss. Based on the calculated hydraulic losses along the way, a reasonable estimate of the share of local head loss, determine the total water loss, according to a variety of equipment selection formula is calculated for selected machinery, pumps and fans to determine the appropriate model. Excel summary data compiled in tabular form.
Fan coil, water pumps and ancillary equipment such as equipment selection and determine the model calculation. According to the design conditions and the total cooling, heat load and the design have been identified, equipment form, select the air duct and the terminal equipment, cold and heat source equipment. Selection based on different levels in different functional requirements of the new wind load, the layer of fresh air unit model is BFP-2 and BFP-8 . Fan coil in this design I chose computing models, mainly FP-8WA、FP-5WA and FP-6.3WA.。
目 录
1 概   况    1
1.1 工程概述    1
1.2 设计原始资料    1
1.2.1 地理位置    1
2 空调负荷计算    2
2.1 冷负荷计算    2
2.2 主要计算公式:    2
2.3 建筑物墙体的围护结构最小传热阻计算    3
2.4  建筑物窗体及遮阳设施    4
2.5  采暖设计中的参数    4
2.5.1 外墙计算    4
2.5.2 内墙计算    4
2.5.3 外窗计算    5
2.6 冷负荷系数法计算    5
2.7负荷计算数据汇    11
3 公寓楼空调方式的比较和选择    12
3.1 空调风系统的选择及方案比较    12
3.2 空调水系统的选择及特点    15
3.3系统定压方式    17
3.4冷却塔选型    17
4 空调设备选型    19
  4.1空调冷热源方案选择    19
  4.1.1空调冷热源方案的选择依据    19
  4.1.2冷热源设备方案比较    19
4.2空调风机盘管的结构和工作原理    20
4.3 风机盘管的选择    20
4.4空调风机盘管型号汇总    21
4.5 新风机组的选择    22
4.6 冷水机组的选择    22
4.7 冷冻水泵的选择    23
5 气流组织计算    25
5.2气流组织的基本要求    27 公寓楼空调工程设计说明书+CAD图纸(2):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_3386.html