关键词 人防地下室 平战结合 等效荷载 桩筏基础
Title Architectural and Structure Design of One High-rise Residential
Building (36-storey) in Nanjing – Basement and
Infrastructure design
With the combination of urban construction and civil air defense construction, basement design has become an important part of modern construction projects. In this paper, according to the engineering background of a 36-storey high-rise residential building in Nanjing, first use theoretical approach to complete the approximate design calculation of the basement and infrastructure, in the same time, use PKPM Software for the computer design of this project, then focus on analysis and comparison of two methods, finally draw the construction drawings. The results showed that: (1) the basement of the main components of the design results are very close to the computer result, the reinforcement error within the acceptable range; (2) There is a certain deviation between foundation design and computer result, this may be due to harsh conditions of the simplified calculation method.
Keywords The civil air defence basement Peacetime and wartime
Equivalent load Piled raft foundation
目 次
1 引言 1
2 建筑平面设计 2
2.1 概述 2
2.2 主要设计规范及标准 2
2.3 使用功能与人防总体要求 2
2.4 平面布置 3
3 主要构件计算 6
3.1 顶板计算 6
3.2 墙体计算 27
3.3 楼板支承梁的设计计算 31
3.4 柱的验算 56
3.5 主体结构轴压比验算 57
4 桩筏基础设计计算 58
4.1 概述 58
4.2 筏板设计计算 59
4.3 桩基设计 71
5 沉降计算 74
5.1 概述 74
5.2 沉降验算 74
5.3 沉降电算 75
6 地下室的抗浮与抗渗 76
6.1 地下室抗浮 76
6.2 地下室抗渗 77
结论 78
致谢 79
参考文献 80
1 引言
(2)抵抗常规炸弹在工程附近爆炸时产生的间接破坏效应;有些工程还需抵抗常规爆炸的直接破坏效应; 36层高层住宅楼的建筑与结构设计地下室及基础结构设计:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_4848.html