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时间:2020-07-18 16:03来源:毕业论文





 Abstract Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection.Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional.With the change point is the environmental conditions of different design, excavation of foundation pit construction scheme results. The excavation of foundation pit is not only a single project, but a series of projects.  to the peripheral security control of foundation pit effectively. 

The administrative center of Pingjiang District, the large range of basement, north-south length of about 143m, east-west width 154m, irregular in shape, structure of bottom depth for outdoor leveling floor elevation (equivalent to 1985 National Height Datum 3.40M) below about 5.40m, elevation corresponding to the structure bottom is -2.00m, the lateral wall of the foundation pit safety grade level three.Because of the depth of foundation pit excavation depth in 3.5-5.2m, the shallow groundwater, the determination of low, considering factors such as economic, convenient construction, foundation pit with soil nailing + 1:0.5 slope excavation and support scheme. 

We must strictly comply with the relevant requirements for the design of foundation pit support. First, according to the engineering geological investigation report from the preliminary support scheme. Second, were calculated for each design parameters and preliminary test. Third, analysis of interior design structure stability checking. Fourth, to check the design structure for external stability.  Finally, optimize and determine the design. Keywords the Foundation Pit Pile-anchor Injection-anchor Soil Nailing 

Key words:  foundation pit Bracing structure;Put the slope ;Soil nailing ;Strength of reinforcement ;Stability; Dewatering of foundation pit. 


第一章 绪论  1

1.1 选题的背景与目的意义 ` 1

1.2.基坑工程的国内外研究现状   2

1.3.基坑工程的主要研究内容 ` 3

1.4.基坑工程毕业设计研究方法、步骤和措施 ` 4

第二章 工程概况  5

2.1场地地形地貌现状及历史    5

2.2岩土层分布及工程特性 `  5 平江区行政中心基坑开挖支护工程+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_56441.html
