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时间:2020-07-19 13:33来源:毕业论文







Abstract The design for the light steel structure plant, the use of light portal frame system, the construction of light steel structure light weight, high strength, large-span, steel structure construction period short, lower investment costs, economic benefits. In China it has a more extensive application prospects. Light steel structure of the roof load lighter, and thus a smaller cross-section bar, thin. In addition to its ordinary lighter weight steel structures, material uniformity, accurate and reliable stress calculation, simple processing, a high degree of industrialization, transport and other features easy installation, the general also has easy material to be used than the provinces, the advantages of lighter weight.

The design specification includes architectural design and structural design of two parts. 

Architectural design for the construction plane to some of the specific forms of choice, plant profile design, plant design elevation, the structure of plant design, door and window schedules.

 Part of the structural design, including program selection, the design of the crane beam, purlin design, pillar of wind-resistant design, corbel design, rigid frame design, the node design, foundation design.

Foundation programs include ground handling,. Part of the design drawings are as follows: plant floor plan, Node elevation profiles and detailed, Frame Construction, wall-beam purlin plant layout map, support layout map, foundation plan.

Keywords: Light steel structure, Portal frame, Architectural design, Structural design.

目 录

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 建筑设计 4

2.1工程概况 4

2.2单层厂房平面设计 4

2.2.1柱网布置的确定 4

2.2.2厂房门的确定 4

2.2.3散水的确定 5

2.3单层厂房剖面设计 5

2.3.1柱顶标高的确定 5

2.3.2室内地坪标高的确定 6

2.3.3采光的确定 6

2.4厂房立面设计 6

2.5.其他建筑构造 7

2.5.1屋顶的确定 7

2.5.2地面的确定 7

2.5.3门口坡道的确定 7

2.5.4雨棚的确定 双跨四坡门式刚架厂房设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_56519.html
