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时间:2016-12-08 19:41来源:毕业论文
Finally, the construction site layout Ergonomics design. Before design, ergonomics research for security objects, methods, purpose and other aspects of learning; standardized design in combination, ca

Finally, the construction site layout Ergonomics design. Before design, ergonomics research for security objects, methods, purpose and other aspects of learning; standardized design in combination, can give full play to the role. From the point of view of ergonomics to analyze the design requirements of the working space, which contains potentially dangerous work space and equipment, hazardous area protection analysis. Ergonomics is because of human-centered design, all necessary to study human behavior habits. Humans have many sexual instinct adapt to the environment, they are in the long-term human activities, due to environmental and human interactions and form, this instinct is called human behavior habits. People adapt to the environment through the analysis of the behavior of habit, during the construction sites ergonomic design of these habits into account, inspired from these habits out on the construction site in Ergonomics design ideas. The ergonomic design and layout from the construction site are expanded, comprehensive on-site layout planning and rational distribution, in order to facilitate safe operation; according to the actual situation of the project for construction of foundation pit and underground garage Human Security Division ergonomic design; structures for scaffolding safety of Ergonomics design. The ergonomic design is just for the safety of construction sites, the design process of the construction sector are discussed in the application of ergonomics. Ergonomics in the construction of industrial facilities designed to take into account the human factor, the operating environment must take into account when designing human habits; This design consists of these elements, but the focus is from a security point of view, or for the security services.

Key words:Construction sites; security standardization work; construction site; safety inspection; Ergonomics Design
1 绪论    1
1.1 本文设计的背景    1
1.1.1 国内背景    1
1.1.2 国外背景    3
1.2 本文设计的目的及意义    4
1.3 本文的设计内容及方式方法    5
1.3.1 安全标准化作业规范    5
1.3.2 人机学设计    6
2 工程概况    7
2.1 建筑工程概况    7
2.2 结构工程概况    7
2.3 工程地理位置及周边环境    7
3 某建筑工地安全标准化施工的相关规范    8
3.1 有关安全施工标准及规范    8
3.2 主要安全、文明、标化、职业健康安全    8
3.2.1 主要安全、消防技术措施    8
3.2.2 文明施工、标化管理实施措施    10
4 某建筑工地安全标准化作业现状分析与探讨    12
4.1 安全标准化的重要性    12
4.1.1 标准化作业程序的建立方式    12
4.1.2 建立安全管理体系的重要性    12
4.1.3 导致工程安全事故的原因    12
4.1.4 规范运行和坚持标准化作业    13
4.1.5 标准化作业确保人机安全    13
4.1.6 标准化作业程序的推广运用    13
4.2 安全标准化现状分析与内容设计    14
4.2.1 我国建筑工程安全标准体系的不足    14
4.2.2 分析方法    15
4.2.3 内容设计    16
4.2.4 分析结果与处理    24
4.3 事故隐患的分析与探讨    24
4.3.1 人的不安全行为    25
4.3.2 物的危险状态    25
4.3.3 安全管理的缺陷    26
4.4 事故类型及分析    26 建筑工地安全标准化作业与人机学设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_752.html