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时间:2017-05-30 08:59来源:毕业论文
Selection should be based on fan coil fan coil can provide sensible and total heat required for room cooling load can meet the sensible and total heat load of the principle of selection. Between publi

Selection should be based on fan coil fan coil can provide sensible and total heat required for room cooling load can meet the sensible and total heat load of the principle of selection.
Between public health and other toilet room shall be provided mechanical ventilation device, generally set exhaust fan, bathroom ventilation volume by 20-30. Bathroom without windows must set air vents, exhaust duct from the same ground out by the exhaust fan to the outside row. Close to the wall and there is a bathroom outside the window directly outside.
Noise is loud and noisy or strident is not needed for a particular job or interfere with the sound.
Waves in gases, liquids and solids in the transmission. Noise is a sound wave, which has all the characteristics of sound waves. Frequency and intensity of different sounds together irregularly become noise.
The noise inside the building was mainly due to setting air conditioning, plumbing, electrical equipment produced after which the noise generated by air-conditioning equipment greatest impact. Air conditioning engineering major noise source is the fan, refrigerator, mechanical draft cooling tower.
To prolong the life of the heating system, heating system pipes to prevent corrosion of equipment, it needs to be anti-corrosion treatment process.
 目 录
0  绪论…01
1  设计概况…04
1.1  建筑概况04
1.2  气象概况04
1.3  设计参数05
2  负荷计算…06
2.1  空调负荷的概念…06
2.2  负荷计算软件现状09
2.3  湿、冷负荷计算公式…12
2.4  某房间的计算实例17
2.5  建筑物所有楼层负荷统计…23
2.6  负荷统计及曲线图25
3  空调系统的选择26
3.1  空调风系统…26
3.2  风机盘管30
3.3  空调水系统…33
4  空调设备选型…35
4.1  空调机组选型35
4.2  风机盘管的选择…36
4.3  新风机组的选择…37
4.4  冷水机组的选择…38
5  气流组织…40
5.1  气流组织的形式…40
5.2  风口大小的选择…40
6  水力计算…41
6.1  风管布置41
6.2  风管的水力计算…41
6.3  水管的水力计算…43
6.4  冷冻水泵的选择…45
7  卫生间的通风设计…47
7.1  卫生间通风设计…47
8  空调系统的消声、减振措施…48
8.1  噪声来源和危害…48
8.2  空调消声器的原理和种类…49
8.3  空调装置的减振…50
9  管道的防腐与保温…52
9.1  管道防腐52
9.2  管道保温53
由于城市物质文化活动的高效益,人们越来越多的聚集于城市。发达国家的城市人口已达全国人口的70%左右;中国正在加快城市化进程,实际上的城市人口很快就将超过50%。现代社会,人类大多数活动在建筑内开展。城市居民一生中约有90%的时间在建筑环境中度过。为了提高生产水平,保护生态环境,包括农业在内的现代生产过程也越来越多地从自然环境转移进建筑环境。建筑环境已成为现代人类社会生存发展的重要空间。 四星级酒店中央空调系统设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_8024.html