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时间:2022-04-07 22:12来源:毕业论文

摘  要:本文为上海信息集中处理中心建筑与结构设计计算书,该楼建筑总面积5969。9平方米左右,根据建筑设计、抗震方面等的要就,确定合理的结构形式和结构布置方案,确定框架、基础的形式。根据要求采用了钢筋混凝土结构。本设计中选取一榀主框架以及楼面及屋面板进行截面设计及配筋计算。首先根据框架布局确定各构件尺寸,进行恒载、活载及风荷载的叠加计算。主要包括建筑设计和结构设计两部分。结构设计,框架结构设计主要包括:结构选型,梁、柱、墙等构件尺寸的确定,重力荷载计算、横向水平作用下框架结构的内力和侧移计算、竖向荷载作用下横向框架的内力分析、内力组合、截面设计、基础设计。其中,基础设计友包括基础选型、基础平面布置等。 79607

毕业论文关键词:  框架结构;结构设计;内力计算;荷载;钢筋混凝土

Construction and Structural Design of Shanghai Information Central Processing Center

Abstract: This article is the Shanghai information central processing center building and structural design calculation book, the building a total area of 5969。9 square meters, according to architectural design, seismic aspects and so on, to determine the reasonable structure and structure of the program, to determine the framework, form。 Reinforced concrete structures are used as required。 The design of a set of the main framework and the floor and roof panels for cross-section design and reinforcement calculation。 First of all, according to the framework to determine the size of each component, the dead load, live load and wind load superposition calculation。 Mainly including architectural design and structural design of two parts。 Structural design, frame structure design include: structural selection, beam, column, wall and other components to determine the size of the calculation of gravity load, horizontal horizontal action under the framework of the internal force and lateral displacement calculation, vertical load under the horizontal frame of the internal force Analysis, internal force combination, cross section design, foundation design Among them, the basic design of friends, including basic selection, the basis of layout and so on。

Key words:  frame structure; structural design; internal force calculation; load; reinforced concrete




毕业设计是大学结束阶段的实践环节,是对大学所学知识的系统性和综合性的复习和训练,具有不可靠替代的作用,是为将来的实际工作中打下坚实的基础。在这次毕业设计中,需要了解和掌握建筑设计的全过程,需要运用力学、房屋建筑学的知识,需要具有独立分析和创新的能力。通过本次设计,首先是要掌握对规范的基本条款,可将规范中的款项应用到设计中;其次是会熟练应用cad平面绘图软件,将设计意图落实到电脑中,同时需要掌握使用PKPM、天正等辅助设计软件。 上海信息集中处理中心建筑与结构设计计算书+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/gongcheng/lunwen_92157.html
