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时间:2022-10-21 22:14来源:毕业论文



The Application of Laozi's Management Thought inModern Enterprise

Abstract: With the development of economy China, China enterprise more and more internationalization, enterprise management is also showing a trend of persification, but in the modern enterprises in the use of Lao Tzu management thought is not very full。 This paper is based on the analysis of Lao Tzu management thought and modern enterprise management, sorting out the Lao Tzu management thought and modern enterprise management the possibility of integration is discussed。 The thought of management on Lao Tzu encounter in the modern enterprise application obstacle is also analyzed, found methods to deal with enterprises in the face of obstacles, provide more evidence in the use of modern enterprise culture as the Lao Tzu management thoughts。 Finally, combined with a large number of cases, to take the score the form of the Lao Tzu specific management idea first interpretation, through specific examples to illustrate the Lao Tzu management thought in enterprises management and use。 This paper focuses on the feasibility and importance of Lao Tzu's management thought in the modern enterprise, so as to provide a better reference and basis for more business management。

Key words: Laoziculture; Management thought; Enterprise culture;Modern enterprise management

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、老子的管理思想与现代企业管理思想 2

(一)老子思想的概括 2

(二)现代企业管理思想的概括 3

(三)老子文化与企业管理结合的可能性 4

二、老子的管理思想在现代企业运用中遇到的障碍和改进的方法 4

(一)老子的管理思想在现代企业运用中遇到的障碍 5

(二)促进老子的管理思想在现代企业中运用的方法 5

三、老子的管理思想在企业管理中的运用 6

(一)结合案例说明“道”在现代企业管理中的具体运用 6

(二)结合案例说明辩证法在企业管理中的运用 8

(三)结合案例说明“无为”思想在现代企业中的运用 9

(四)结合案例说明“术”在企业管理中的运用 11

参考文献 13

致谢 14
