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时间:2018-03-20 19:10来源:毕业论文

The role of the social work in improving employee satisfaction research —— in A business, for example
Abstract:In today's market economy condition, especially in the international metropolis of Shanghai, a large part of small and medium-sized private enterprises of the market, in the enterprise staff every day to the fast pace of work, come down for a long time, the employees in these companies will inevitably have a great job stress and mental pressure, they will have a series of tension, drab, alienation, tired of psychological and physiological reactions, such as enterprise for these, however, did not concern, resulting in a decline in the employee's job satisfaction and thus lead to consequences such as brain drain. In this article, through the interview of Shanghai enterprises to carry out the survey found that companies really don't pay attention to the satisfaction degree of the employees, and personnel flow phenomenon is common .Combined with the interview, this paper further analyses the reason of resulting in a decline in employee satisfaction as well as the harm. Based on this, this paper puts forward several Suggestions to improve employee satisfaction: it is to improve the working environment; The second is to encourage employees to participate in; Three is to strengthen internal communication; Fourth, attaches great importance to the selection of training; Five is to perfect salary welfare.
Keywords: enterprise; Employee satisfaction; The reason; Harm; countermeasures
引  言    1
一、研究背景    1
(一)背景    1
(二)意义    2
二、文献综述与研究构思    3
(一) 文献综述    3
1、 目前相关研究的现状    3
2、 本研究的发展趋势    4
(二) 研究构思    4
1、 理论基础    4
2、 相关核心概念    4
3、 研究目标与方案    5
4、 研究方法    5
三、A企业员工满意度低的原因分析    6
(二)样本分析    6
(二)A企业员工满意度现状    6
(三)员工满意度低的原因    6
1、    薪酬机制不合理    7
2、    晋升、招聘制度不完善    8
3、    员工培训几乎没有    8
4、    缺少员工参与管理    9
5、    缺少员工职业生涯规划    9
四、提高A企业员工满意度社工介入对策研究    10
(一)    社工协助加强员工情绪管理    10
(二)    社工介入开展职业生涯服务    11 社会工作在提高员工满意度方面的作用研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_11423.html