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时间:2018-04-11 20:50来源:毕业论文

Implantable Advertising Operation Strategy Research
    Abstract: Product placement as a new marketing mode and find favor   with the advertising. Product placement is advertisers to pay in the form of   products and brand symbol can be incorporated into the film and television or stage in the product, in the form of "moistens everything silently" subtle influence on the audience, which in turn generate good communication effect of a  form of advertising. But product placement market operation is not yet mature, appeared for implant way blunt with abrupt and seriously affected the media artistic quality, excessive attention to ads and ignore the traditional marketing. This paper puts forward the corresponding operation strategy, such as emphasis on joint strategy, the brand with meticulous plot fusion; using the integrated marketing strategy, combining traditional marketing and advertising, to give full play to the role of advertising and provide a good strategy.
    Key Words: Product placement; Integrated marketing; Operation strategy
 目    录       
摘  要    1
Abstract    1
一、植入式广告的概述    2
(一)植入式广告的概念    2
(二)植入式广告的特点    3
二、植入式广告的表现形式    4
(一)影视剧植入    4
(二)图书植入    5
(三)网络游戏植入    6
(四)流行音乐植入    7
三、植入式广告的运作现状概述    7
 (一) 植入式广告的运作现状    7
 (二) 植入式广告运作中存在的问题    8
四、提升植入效果的运作策略    11
 (一) 内容本位原则,打造高品质的植入母体    11
 (二) 贴合性策略,品牌与剧情细致融合    12
 (三) 一致性策略,品牌的目标受众、形象与母体保持一致    12
 (四) 差异性策略,同类品牌避免植入同一母体    13
 (五) 整合营销策略,线上线下相互整合    13
 (优尔)重复性策略,在“季”播剧和系列电影中重复植入    14
参考文献    16
致谢    17
营销沟通的打扰时代进入到一个植入的时代 。由于受众的注意力正取代信息成为稀缺资源,国家政策对烟、酒等广告的限制,数字电视的兴起导致传统的广告营销模式越来越不适应社会的发展,而植入式广告补充了传统广告的不足,它的出现是顺应时代需要而产生的。植入式广告作为一种新型的广告形式发展迅速,涉及的领域也越来越广,几乎是无所不在。但是,由于人们并未对植入式广告的运作策略进行合理运用,造成了植入手段的生硬、粗糙以及植入广告的泛滥等问题,使得受众对这种植入方式日益产生反感,从而制约着植入式广告的发展。植入式广告虽具有很大的发展潜力,但是还需掌握并运用好运作策略,才能最大限度的发挥植入式广告的作用。 植入式广告运作策略研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_12918.html