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时间:2023-03-06 21:52来源:毕业论文




毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title  The Research on The Influence of “Internet Plus” to Public   Decision Making Process                                             

Abstract The development of the “Internet plus” has changed the pattern of many industries and fields, the traditional pattern has been upgrading and transformation, its application into all areas of life。 Internet applications in the field of politics is the Internet government, traditional methods of government decision changed。 Many decision making process can realize on the network, decision making becomes more open and transparent。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

This article uses literature analysis and case analysis, analysis of the impact of the “Internet plus” on public decision-making。 On the one hand it broadens the channels for the expression of public opinion, take more convenient for citizens to express their views; the government can fully direct to collect first-hand information of public opinion, can reduce mistakes in decision-making, promote scientific decision-making, accelerate the political democratization process; the popularity of computer and intelligent mobile phone, make citizens to obtain a convenient access to the Internet, is conducive to strengthening the supervision of the government; on the other hand, because of the difference of economic development level, infrastructure level, the digital pide problem still exists; the non rational citizens involved in the cause of group polarization on the network, although began to develop, but the level is not very high。 For these problems, put forward to improvement strategies that strengthen network supervision, strengthen Internet infrastructure construction, promote the development of e-government。

Keywords:Internet plus; Public decision-making; Improvement strategy

目   次

1 绪论 Ⅱ

2 相关理论阐释 1

2。1“互联网+”发展概述  1

2。2 公共决策概述   2

3。 “互联网+”对公共决策的影响  4

3。1 背景透视:XX城市案例分析  4

3。2 “互联网+”对公共决策过程的积极影响 4

3。3 公共决策制定中“互联网+”存在的问题和不足7


  4。1 加强监管,营造良好的网络环境10From+优!尔.YouErw.com 加QQ75201`8766 互联网+对公共决策过程的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_145269.html
