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时间:2023-03-06 21:58来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  农村老人 空巢问题 主观幸福感 

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title Research on the Improvement of the  Subjective Well-being of Rural Empty Nester: A Case Study of Qibei Village in Nantong                                                                                                         

Abstract With the trend of population aging in our country and the acceleration of the surplus rural labor moving, the increasing number of the rural empty nest elderly has become a social problem which should be paid more attention, has gradually attracted the attention of experts and scholars at home and abroad。 Although the problems of the rural empty nest elderly no city empty nester problem provided less frequently, but over the next few years in problems of the rural empty nest elderly is bound to be the attention of the government and society。 In this paper the author for Jiangsu rural field visits, for rural empty nest elderly happy sense make the relevant investigation, find happiness of the empty nest elderly in rural areas are the main reasons of the lack of, for improve the happiness of the empty nest elderly in rural areas are put forward relevant suggestions。 To to promote the rural endowment of infrastructure construction, better for the rural empty nest elderly, improve rural empty nest elderly happy sense of the overall level。

Keywords  Rural elderly  The problem of empty nest  Subjective well-being

目   次

1   引言 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 研究意义 1

2   文献综述 3

2。1 空巢老年人问题研究的国际经验 3

2。2国内学者对空巢老人问题的研究 4

3   研究方法与研究对象 7源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

3。1 研究方法 7

3。2 研究对象 7

3。3麒北村空巢老人调研数据分析: 8

4  麒北村影响空巢老人的主观幸福感的因素 11

4。1 麒北村公共服务滞后 11

4。2 麒北村社会支持匮乏 12

4。3 传统家庭关系逐渐解体 12

4。4 身心状况影响主观幸福 13

5  提高麒北村空巢老人主观幸福感的对策 15

5。1 健全农村养老体系 15 南通农村空巢老人主观幸福感提升研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_145271.html
