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时间:2023-03-06 22:23来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词  居家养老  村转居社区  需求评估   服务提供

毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    Home Endowment Service  Supply and Demand Research  of New Community Residents  Elderly                       

Abstract In recent years, with rapid growth of the population aging in China, the pension problem has increasingly become a hot issue of society。 Pension problem brought us great challenge to construct the overall development of China, like social economy and culture and harmonious society and so on。 On one hand, the existing elderly institutions cannot meet the demand of large pension; on the other hand, the traditional family endowment functions are weakening with family size reduction。 Pension for the elderly at home in familiar surroundings will be able to help the elderly enjoy high quality service, and meet the pension needs of older people, reduce the stress of pension to a certain extent。 At present, living at home in retirement services in China is still at the initial stage of exploration, lack of relevant studies and research。 Study of  new community residents home endowment service is extremely lacking。源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018~766

This article takes Z  community  in  Nanjing as an example, introducing the result in the status of villager to City dweller。 The analysis of the result has proved that home endowment service has many problems。 The service content,exists utilization rate is low。 Service process is not standard,and so on。 To solve above problems and current situation, the author put forward the following opinions and suggestions: smooth relations with the government, play a role with the government correctly; Attaches great importance to the construction of professional team, strengthening service training; Broaden the channels of funding sources。 

Keywords  Home endowment  New Community Residents  Needs assessment   Services research

目   次

1  绪论 1

1。1 研究背景与研究意义1

1。2 文献回顾3

1。3 研究方法6

1。4 研究不足6

2  理论依据7

2。1  积极老龄化理论7

2。2  需求层次理论8

2。3 新公共服务理论 8

3  村转居社区居家养老服务需求与供给研究 9 

3。1 村转居社区概况9

3。2 村转居社区老年人基本情况10

3。3 村转居社区老年人居家养老需求状况14

3。4 村转居社区居家养老服务供给现状17

4  村转居社区居家养老服务存在问题与原因分析 20

4。1 村转居社区居家养老服务现有问题20

4。2 村转居社区居家养老服务中存在问题的原因分析21 村转居社区老年人居家养老服务的需求与供给研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_145280.html
