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时间:2023-04-04 22:05来源:毕业论文

摘要随着人们生活条件日益改善,长期生活在城市中的人们产生了到静谧、洁净的环境中去感悟 大自然、放松身心、提高生活质量的强烈愿望。乡村旅游作为一种新的旅游方式便应运而生,受 到越来越多的旅游者的青睐,也成为旅游业界和学术界关注的焦点。衢州市依山傍水,乡村旅游 资源丰富,拥有良好的区位优势和开发条件,市场前景广阔,乡村旅游近年来发展十分迅速,但 是也存在着一定的问题。本文将以衢州市齐溪镇为研究对象,通过对乡村旅游的概念,特征,内 涵的回顾,结合国内乡村旅游的发展背景,对齐溪镇乡村旅游发展的现状进行调查分析,总结齐 溪镇乡村旅游目前发展存在的问题,针对这些问题提出合理的对策建议。88206

毕业论文关键词:乡村旅游; 齐溪镇; 现状;对策

Abstract:With the improvement of people's living conditions, people who have lived in the city for a long time have a strong desire to understand nature, relax the body and mind, and improve the quality of life。 As a new way of tourism, rural tourism emerges  as the times require, and it is favored by more and more tourists。 Quzhou city has rich rural tourism resources, has a good location advantages and development conditions, market prospects, rural tourism develops very quickly in recent years, but there are also some problems。 This article will take Qixi Town in Quzhou as the research object, through the concept of rural tourism features, the connotation of the review, based on development of rural tourism in China, the investigation and analysis of the status quo of Qixi Town of rural tourism development, summarizes the current development of rural tourism in Qixi Town existing problems, put forward countermeasures to solve these problems reasonable suggestions。

Key  words:   rural   tourism;    Qixi   town;   present   situation;    development  strategy;

一、引 2

二、乡村旅游源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766的理论基础 3

(一)乡村旅游的相关概念 3

1、乡村旅游的概念 3

2、乡村旅游的特征 4

3、开展乡村旅游的意义 4

(二)相关理论 5

1、新农村建设的理论 5

2、可持续发展理论 6

三、齐溪镇乡村旅游资源分析 7

(一)齐溪镇基本情况 7

(二)齐溪镇发展乡村旅游资源特点 8

1、齐溪镇旅游资源 8

2、齐溪镇旅游资源特点分析 8

四、齐溪镇乡村旅游发展现状调查 9

(一)问卷调查说明 9

(二)调查数据分析 10

1、人口统计学变量分析 10

2、旅游体验要素分析 11

(三)调查小结 16

五、齐溪镇乡村旅游发展中存在的问题 16

(一)活动形式单一,宣传力度不足 衢州市齐溪镇乡村旅游开发现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_156418.html
