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时间:2023-05-15 22:56来源:毕业论文

摘    要  随着互联网的普及,口碑传播逐渐向多对多、发散的网络化模式渗透,口碑营销在网络消费中的重要性也越来越明显。网络社区成为网民交换和分享大量产品信息的有效媒介,也是电子商务企业进行口碑营销活动的主要阵地。同时,社区电商模式已经成为未来互联网发展的重点,正在引领跨境电商的潮流。随着行业竞争日益激烈,如何制定和实施行之有效的口碑营销策略对于社区化跨境电商的长期发展至关重要。88776


With the popularity of the Internet, word of mouth spread gradually permeate to a many-to-many, pergent network model, word of mouth marketing in the importance of network consumption is also more and more obvious。 The online community has become an effective medium for users to exchange and share a large number of products information。 It is also the main position of e-commerce enterprises to carry out word of mouth marketing activities。 At the same time, the community e-commerce model has become the focus of the future development of the Internet, is leading the trend of cross-border e-commerce。 With the increasing competition in the industry, how to develop and implement effective word of mouth marketing strategy is very important for the long-term development of community cross-border e-commerce。

Staring with literature review, this paper introduces the domestic and foreign research of community E-commerce, the concept of online word of mouth marketing and the AISAS model based on network consumer behavior, to further clarifies the research direction of this paper。 Secondly, it analyzes the four word-of-mouth marketing model of community cross-border e-commerce, paving the way for the following case studies and marketing strategies; Then, put forward five feasible reputation marketing strategy for the community cross-border e-commerce from the five stages of the AISAS model; Finally, choose Xiaohongshu as an example of empirical research , analyze its word of mouth marketing model and strategy to verify the feasibility of this paper's word of mouth marketing strategy, and hope to provide some reference for the development of e-commerce enterprises。

毕业论文关键词:网络口碑营销; AISAS模式; 社区化跨境电商; 小红书

Keyword: IWOM;AISAS;Community Cross-Border E-Commerce ;Xiaohongshu

目    录

1。引言 4

1。1研究背景和意义 4

1。2研究内容 4

1。3研究方法 4

2。文献综述 5

2。1社区电子商务 5

2。1。1社区电子商务的概述 5

2。1。2社区电子商务的分类 6

2。2网络口碑营销的理论基础 6

2。2。1网络口碑及网络口碑营销的定义 6

2。2。2网络口碑营销的优点 6

2。3基于互联网消费者行为的AISAS模式 社区化跨境电商口碑营销研究基于AISAS模式:http://www.youerw.com/guanli/lunwen_167762.html
